Im deaf

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This is my story. I was born as a deaf baby but as I got older, I had surgery to help me get my hearing back. It didn't do much but only one of ears finally started get a little better. I had to wear a hearing aid. To even be able to hear anything. My mother was crying every night from what I could see. Since I was deaf it was hard for me to speak. Most doctors said I was gonna be mute my whole life till I met someone. His name was Bakugou but I called him Kacchan, I normally never play with Kacchan he only called me deku once and I called him Kacchan. As we got older my hearing aids had be on higher sounds. Then at the time only his mother ever came over so Kacchan forgot about me. I do miss watching him. He didn't know I was deaf or what it was back then so it was different. We met again in school. I didn't have much friends, well 0-0.0 friends. They stole my hearing aids they try yelling I think into my ear. I didn't know how to speak so I just blankly stared till they stop and gave it back. I cried a lot when I was a baby and I still cry a lot now. I'm in AU high school. It was time for me get great marks and not get bullied! Then I had to see all these cool kids in class. Even Kacchan. Kacchab stared at me not 100% sure if it was me. Kacchan then yelled deku. But I didn't hear it. I went to a sit and sat in front  of him  maybe that was a bad choice. He then poked me and yelled at me by what I think I could hear with my hearing aid. Todoroki was one of the cooler kids here. He was quiet though he didn't even talk to me. Or try too. Everyone else whispered and stared. Our teacher finally walked in and I sighed heavily. As if I was finally free. Sadly this teacher knew sign language, he told me to come in front of the class. Say my name then soemthing about me, but all that came out was nothing. I told him back in sign language he name and that I was deaf and didn't really know how to speak. He nodded and spoke for me.
"This is Izuku, he is Deaf but with some doctor help he trying to become better with hearing aids, as well don't treat him differently if you want to speak to him, speak loud or write it down" the teacher then finished off and pointed deku to his desk. I sat down and sighed I didn't know what the teacher said. But I hoped it was good, so this is my new life in high school... I hope it goes better then middle school..

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