Marry me?

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(IMPORTANT: I'm very sorry to many people if you really enjoy this story. Though I'm running out of ideas. As well I have gotten hurt where I can't walk. So I won't be able to do writing a lot throughout the day. THIS may also be the last part of the story. Unless you want me to write their wedding and death part. I will need you to actually comment if you want this.)
I been cleaning the house as much as I could. It was almost night by the time Kacchan came home. I hugged him and kissed his cheek. I then blew a kiss to him. I made my way inside grabbing his stuff. He sat down as normal and yawned. I thought maybe our date night was done. I looked down. It was fine if Kacchan can sleep instead. Before I could do anything, he went To our room and came out in a suit. I gasped he was so hot in a suit!! I then changed into mine. I guess date night was gonna happen anyway. We got into the car and started driving somewhere. Once again like our cafe date. I didn't know where we were going. I was getting tired and hungry. Kacchan where are we going was the only thought I had. I whined a bit. I looked out my window to notice a lot of things I remembered when we were kids. That night. Our first kiss! I looked at him and grabbed his free hand. He knew I knew now. He pulled up to a parking area and got out grabbing a basket full of food. A lot of his friends wife's help him. They all knew what was gonna happen tonight. Though I didn't know a thing. I smiled and grabbed Kacchan hand again. We started walking up the hill. He put the basket down and pulled a blanket out. He placed the red and white blanket down on the geese hill top grass. I blushed and sat down by him. He placed the basket on top blanket on the other side of him and pulled Deku to his side. I looked at him smiling. I showed with my hands a heart. He did it back, I seen him slowly Lean in and kiss my lips. We stayed like that for a bit. Then we slowly lean towards making out. It was great I enjoyed it. We finally got to the food. He had all these amazing snacks and dinner meals. We picked at it slowly. The date was finally over, we were a little messy but that was gonna happen now or later. I got up. I looked at Kacchan, he was on his one knee. I was confused then covered my mouth when he reached for something in his pocket. He pulled out a green box, with gold around it. He looked up and open the ring. He then pulled a paper that said. "Hey Deku, will you marry me?" I started crying and hugged him nodding my head. Then I spoke. "YES!" I spoke another word. We both we're surprised I could say something, I didn't hear it but I knew I did it. Kacchan slipped the ring on my finger. I knew in the back of my mind, round 2 was gonna happen at home. He picked me up spinning me.

-present day-
Deku closed his book. He has finished writing his story of his life book. Kacchan and him still together. Deku kisses Kacchan quickly. That was the story of how a deaf boy, get the angry kid. How their hate became love. This story will show to others. Not to give up even if your deaf. Anyone can love anyone. We're all humans. We all want something. Though we all need love. I turned to Kacchan and made a heart with my hands and he picked me up kissing me. "Love you, you damm nerd"

The end.

(THIS IS THE END! I'm really sad to say it. Though if you want me to write more. Like short stories for this like Mpreg of Deku having a kid, the wedding day, Their death. Please do comment about it. Also I'm sorry this came out so so so so late. I been really in a lot of pain. Just a lot of stuff is happening.. BUT THANK YOU FOR READING!)

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