A flame start a fire

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Few hours past from being in Todoroki bed. I did blush at the feeling and thought of it but it was a past feeling. I hoped at least it would be. Todoroki came back in and sat down by my feet. He placed a hand on my head. His face didn't seem happy or upset. More like worried. I could see in his eyes something was wrong but he didn't have the gut to say anything. I looked at his hands waiting for him to give me a clue to what was wrong. Then I coughed and sneezed. I knew what was wrong now. I was sick from being in the cold almost all night. Maybe I gotten from Kacchan kiss? It couldn't of been. I shook my head as I felt my eyes fall heavy. Todoroki patted my head ruffling my hair and pulled the blankets more on me. I felt so warm and so tired I almost fell asleep. Just I was about too. Todoroki spoke with sign language. "Stay awake a little longer I'm gonna get some medicine. It should help with the cold and I'll also call Bakugou." He walked out as I nodded weakly. My eyes tried to stay open but felt so heavy. I coughed few more times waiting for Todoroki. He walked in giving me the spoon on medicine. He smiled. It felt weird him and Kacchan smiling were weird and awkward. Though it made me feel warm and funny inside. I didn't like it nor did I hate it. I watched Todoroki grab his phone that was placed on his desk, he turned to me. Everything went black after that I had fallen asleep. More like passed out. I woke 4 hours later. Todoroki wasn't in the room but I felt something bad happening. I coughed as I waited. I Was hoping Kacchan was here. Though I was wrong it was Todoroki father checking up on him. Todoroki came into the room after explain to me what had just happened. Then said Kacchan should be here any minute now. Though why so late? Is he sick too? Or is he terrible mad at me. Todoroki turned to his door way as if he heard a door knocking he walked out with saying a word. He went to his door opening it. Kacchan came in like an angry storm. "WHERE IS HE?!!" Todoroki shook his head at Kacchan yelling. "In my bedroom resting, don't go and hurt him. He weaker then ever." Todoroki spoke as if he was a doctor telling someone bad news without any emotion. Bakugou went up to the room walking in hugging me tightly. I coughed a lot trying to breath. I patted his back to let go and tried pushing I was too weak. Todoroki then pulled him away. "I said be careful your choking him" Todoroki had a mean glare. "I'll do what I wish he suppose to be with me. Now I'm taking him back so he can rest in my bed! And not some stupid half and half ugly room!" Kacchan yelled at Todoroki. I watched their lips move. I could feel the aura. The angry. I wanted to cry. I covered myself in the blanket. I cried quietly as the yelled over it. The two of them hadn't noticed or they were yelling about me hiding. I had no clue I couldn't hear a thing. Todoroki and Kacchan finally pulled the blanket off. I stared at them both shaking. Kacchan gave me my coat and picked up like a bride. Todoroki seem pissed at his action. "I'm taking him back now. Thanks or whatever half an half" Bakugou was about to walk off till Todoroki grabbed his shoulder. "You better take good care of him. Your the reason why he sick.." Todoroki angry aura came back so did Kacchan. I hide my face into Kacchan warm chest as he flinched almost dropping me. He then just walked away from Todoroki. He actually walked away, it was the first time I had seen it happen. It was for me too. I think at least. I closed my eyes again. Next thing I knew I was in Kacchan bed all tucked in and Kacchan was beside me! My face was red. I looked just like fire. I was burning and red. Kacchan was just.. I don't know how to explain it. It felt like a fire had started in my heart.

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