Back to collage

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( I am sorry there was no part yesterday. I was dealing with something. Also is also started back up so I most likely won't be writing till later at night. I'm also suppose to be starting a new kagehina story. Though I'm not sure when yet. So this was a little note. Continue reading)

Deku and Kacchan has just made their way out of Kacchan room with all their bags packed. They had to leave early to drive to their collage. They both were tired. They thought of taking turn for the driving. It was not much hours. After last night video game fun they were tired. They said their goodbyes to Kacchan mother. She kissed both of our their heads. It was now time to drive.
I slowly fell asleep when I was looking out the window. Kacchan seem tired too. I knew he was lying about the driving thing. He had two coffees and an energy drink before him. He had already finished the two coffees. I only had water with one coffee. I still ended up falling asleep. I felt the bumps when we were driving but I was still asleep. Though I woke to find Kacchan face looking at me. We had stopped for a few moments to gas up. I woke up and smiled. I then thought it be best for a bathroom break. I got out stretching. Kacchan saw me go into the gas station. He then paid and waited. I walked out after. I got into the car looking at Kacchan. We started driving again. Finally we had stopped at the collage. It was around 4:30am we had two hours to unpack then go met everyone and get to our classes. Of course me and Kacchan really just wanted to stay in our room since we were really tired. We got to our class after a bit of sleeping. We both were tired and hoping for not much work but sadly we both got dumped with work. I sighed and went back to our room. Kacchan was already there out of the floor with work on the table. I laughed at him and put my paper down joining him. He smiled at me kissing my nose. We then got up. My heart beating faster then ever once again. My face painted red. I walked away to do my work, Kacchan smirked my way. Then he went on his way to do his paper work. We finally finished it around 5. We both went a head to make dinner to gather. It was fun since he had to show me since I could hear me. He touched my hand and moved it to hold the knife and cut Vegas. The right way. Like the right way I'm with him. He was perfect for me. I hoped he felt the same. It a thing that hunts me. Though he with me and stuck there. Till then at least. I love him.

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