Welcome back

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I was back today in class everyone was talking but I didn't hear yet, since I didn't get the hearing aid yet. Everyone then felt embarrassed. Kacchan just stared though was he made or worried. I couldn't tell, but I knew it was for a good reason! Kacchan wasn't having a good thought 'stupid nerd, go die!' Kacchan crossed his arms. I smiled at him, as everyone went to sit down. I couldn't wait! I was gonna be able to hear everyone voices and I can learn how to talk! I-It was gonna be awesome! I still needed help though, I was teaching uraraka and tysus sign language as well. They ended up making a club the day before for people like me and them so they can learn what they could do. Someone we didn't think who would of joined, joined us on the second day. Someone in our class todoroki. I was confused why he joined. He knew sign language!! It was amazing! We talked to each other easily. The girls laughed too when todoroki explain things to them. I didn't see him coming to join us though, from what tysus wrote about him, he seemed like a loner and quiet. I think he was just a very good person who wanted to be friends with everyone. Though he had trouble to explain things to everyone. That was my out look on him. Too bad he wasn't into me like I was though. Well soon things will change I hope. Well it was lunch so we all sat together, nothing really happened today. We just all laughed well they did. I didn't hear jokes or anything. It wasn't as funny. When they are written down, I still cracked a smile though. I was glad to have friends unlike grade school. Sadly my day was gonna get worse. Kacchan came over and pulled my chair I turned to look at him. I guess he wanted me chair so I was gonna get up, but he pushed me off. I fell on my butt closing my eyes tightly. That gonna leave a mark. Uraraka stood up slapping him. "Don't be a jerk Kacchan!!" I watched slowly getting up with help from todoroki. I bowed to him as thanks. "I don't care he a dam deaf nerd, he can't hear me and can't even speak up!" Kacchan laughed and smirked at me. Todoroki glared at him. "You just a bully Kacchan.." he didn't like Kacchan I could tell from their aura. Tysus looked down and pulled my arm. Hinting that we should go before a fight starts. Kacchan then grabbed my arm and pulled me. I tried to scream, but it just was a squeak. Kacchan laughed he kept pulling then todoroki grabbed my other arm. They pulled me at the same time causing me to be in pain. I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe. I finally did it. "AHHH!!!" They both got scared and dropped me. I fell on my knees leaning over in pain. A teacher came in and saw me and the boys. We were taken to the office. I was sent home to get checked by a doctor in case they hurt my arms badly. My day was worse by my childhood friend.

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