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After the kiss I pulled away panicking. I felt so embarrassed I ran away from him. Kacchan raised his hand to grab me before I did but it was too late. It was so awkward he didn't even chase me. I ran for about an hour. Till I stopped at a store. It was the only store that was open on Jan 1st. I just stared at the store then kept walking. I had forgotten my coat with Kacchan. I was shivering and shaking. I can't get sick or too cold right now. I tried to think of warm stuff. "Hot chocolate, blankets, coats, fireplaces, Kacchan..., Kacchan kiss..., Kacchan bod—" I gasped and shook my head and kept walking hugging myself. I needed to get back to Kacchan's house. Though sadly I haven't really been there in a long time, without Kacchan showing me the way. So I was stuck. I could go back to the store, maybe it would be warm in there! I ran back then when I open the door. The guy that worked there looked at me and asked me stuff. I couldn't hear what he said I think he got mad after a bit. I didn't have anything to type on. I panicked again. I tried to speak but only high pitch sounds. I ran out. I felt a little warmer. I looked down. I wanted Kacchan to help me. I noticed a park over the hill so I made my way over there. I bet now things were to be awkward between me and Kacchan. I remember this park then. It where our parents would take us. That was till we got older. I sighed and tear up. The tears rolled down my face, they felt ice cold. I shake still. I slowly felt colder every minute passing by. I thought I was gonna be a goner. My eyes closed slowly. A shady shape formed in front of me it looked like Kacchan. The shape picked me up wrapping me in something. I was out cold now.
When I woke up I noticed that I was in a bed. Everything was blurry still. The shady shape formed again. I rubbed my eyes to see it was Todoroki!? I had no idea he lived around here. He smiled at me and gave me soup. I looked around as I ate the soup. This wasn't a place where I have been before. It was new and everything seem different to Kacchan's room. It seem bigger and richer. Todoroki used sign language when he spoke to me. "I saw you freezing... aren't you suppose to be Bakugou? I mean he said you were staying with him.. or did he kick you out?" I nodded and then shook my head I answered back a little embarrassed.
"I ran off..." Todoroki eyes had widen. I never really seen him care for me that much other then when we were in school. Things changed then though. I just stared and rubbed my eyes again. I missed Kacchan at the moment, but being with Todoroki made me feel a little better. I smiled as he did too. I was stuck with my best friend at the moment so it not that bad.

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