The begaining day

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Kacchan had a phone alarm go off really early. Of course I didn't hear it but he ended up waking me up, by poking me. I finally woke and rubbed my eyes. First thing I saw was how close Kacchan face was. My face went a bright red. I could tell Kacchan noticed. He then got out of my face and went to the kitchen cooking. I didn't know what he was cooking, but I knew it smelt good! I couldn't wait to eat whatever he made. I went over and Kacchan pointed to a seat. I sat down thinking that what he wanted. After few minutes he came over handing me a plate with pancakes. He sat down across from me with his own pancakes. We started to eat. I enjoyed Kacchan cooking. I'm sure Kacchan didn't really care since it was his own cooking. Maybe tomorrow I can cook for him! I smiled at the thought Kacchan noticed my smile and his face seem to turn a light pink. He then grabbed our finish plates putting them in the sink. He then turned to me using sign language. "Deku, lets get to our class.. I hope you enjoyed the pancakes" I smiled more and nodded as I got up. Kacchan seem happy too, for once in my life I could see a happy Kacchan. We got to class everyone else was there we all listen but me, luckily I had Kacchan and todoroki near me. Though Kacchan wasn't listening so todoroki helped me. I learned a lot it was fun. That was only the begin though. Soon Christmas will be here in 4 months! I'm hoping time will fly by fast. I really missed my mother, but I enjoyed my time with Kacchan.
A letter came in today. Kacchan read it before I did since it didn't have anyone name on it. As I watched Kacchan read it. His face went pale. Had it been a grade? Bill? Family problem? He handed the letter too me. I guess he wanted me to know the news, but as I was about to grab the letter from his shaking hand he pulled it away and I looked down. We didn't talk much that day.
Kacchan and I haven't spoken for the past days. I was feeling sad and upset everyday we didn't talk. Today Kacchan left the room with paper all over the table. I thought maybe I could help. Then I spotted the letter so I grabbed it. At first I thought it was wrong but maybe it was important. The letter started with.
Dear Izuku,
We are sadly writing to you today because we have really bad news. Your mother has been killed in a robbery. We don't know how it happened yet. So I'm here to write that your house will be sold. You will get the money. As well then will she write has mostly all your name so please do write back to us. I then noticed the newspapers with my mother being killed and many others. I cried till Kacchan came back home and I still cried. Kacchan eyes widen at the mess I made and ran to me hugging me tightly. I couldn't hear him but I felt his breathe on my ear. "I'm sorry..." Kacchan hugged me tighter as I kept crying.

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