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Today was the day. I was suppose to go into surgery to get better hearing. My mother drove me to the hospital, but she had to leave since work. My mother also was always scared to bring me here, so now that I'm older I can go by myself. I walked in and gave the land my papers and a notebook to help me understand what she was saying. I nodded and smiled. She then took me to the waiting room. It was full with younger kids and adults. I felt out of place, but that normal since I was deaf. I ended up wait an hour since they had emergency come in I had taken a small nap. Next thing I knew was I woken up in a room with doctors. They smiled to me and point to the notebook. I open it reading what was written inside. "We're glad your a wake now, we have to place under asleep again, but we had to wait till you woken up. I hope that thing with you?" I smiled at them and nodded. I then used sign language only one doctor understand. "He said it was fine with him, he just hope this works" the female doctor said. I knew here. She used to be my main doctor till it got worse. They grabbed the gas mask to place me asleep. It went over my mouth and I passed out in minutes.
-meanwhile in class-
Izuku is not in class today for two reason. He is in surgery for hearing. Also his mother didn't feel like dropping him off, since he was very nervous. I been told that ask this surgery he should be able to hear.. with a hearing aid of course.." everyone looked around gasping of whispering. Kacchan as normal just growled.
"He a stupid nerd who deaf. I don't need his life story" he didn't care what he said. He didn't think he was doing anything wrong. "Oh yeah that being another reason to why for number two.. he been getting bullied or that what his mother thinking" the teacher said as he stared at Kacchan. He gulped. The sighed then went on with the lesson he didn't have the energy to deal with him.

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