A week

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(The last chapter was late since Christmas break very sorry)
I was sound asleep as Kacchan was still doing something I didn't know what or if he had fallen asleep. I woke up the next morning with a blanket around me. It smelt like Kacchan, though I couldn't see Kacchan anywhere. I yawned as I felt like I should sleep more, I could hardly keep my eyes open. I felt light headed. I thought maybe I was hungry. Kacchan then came into the room he had taken a shower that why I couldn't find him. Kacchan threw his towel at me and got dressed. I sat there with the wet towel on my face for a few moments till I put it down. Kacchan rolled his eyes at me. I looked down I guess it was mad at me. Kacchan then turned to me grabbing the towel and used sign language.
"Deku, get up... You can go take a shower" Kacchan looked away after. "I can help you find the bathroom, then I'll make breakfast understand?" I watched him move his hands and smiled nodding. I tried to speak but I just made a little high pitch sound. Kacchan smiles lightly but it was hard to see. I got up grabbing some of my clothes walking to the bathroom with Kacchan help. I got in and closed the door behind me. Kacchan went to the kitchen as he told me. The water as I remember was warm and felt Nice on my skin. When I got out of the shower I didn't notice that Kacchan soap bar was on the ground. You can probably guess what happened after that. I slipped causing a cracking sound. I didn't hear it, but of course Kacchan mom, and Kacchan heard it. I tried to get up so it seem like nothing happened. Or I hoped there was no sound or if it would of been quiet. Kacchan open the door and I grabbed as many towel as I could to cover up. I still sat on the cold hard bathroom floor. Kacchan helped me up and closed the door behind him. His mother knocked on the door I guessed.
"Kacchan sweetie. What was that sound? Is Izuku in there?" She asked her son. I tried to get dressed as the two spoke. Kacchan answered his mother.
"Deku slipped that's all everything fine" I watched his lips move trying to make out what he was saying. It was hard. Kacchan then stopped speaking after a good 10 minutes. He turned to me. Some really my face turned a dark red. Kacchan pulled me close to him with a towel. I only have my shirt on right now! I couldn't find my pants! I blame Kacchan!
Kacchan smirked at my red face as he slowly moved his hands around me. I tried to push away. I did and tried to find my clothes. Next thing I new Kacchan. Had my clothes behind him. He did this to tease me?! Tease a deaf person! He can be such a jerk at times. Till later when he told me why he did it. I sighed anyway and grabbed my clothes with an angry aura. I got dressed and walked out. He seem upset and mad at my reaction. He walked to the kitchen. I finished putting my old clothes away. Then went down to eat. Christmas was soon too. So I should be nice to him for allowing me to stay here. I used sign language as I had a frown on my face. "Sorry Kacchan... I'm stupid and failed.. I just got upset.. and made you upset and mad.. I'm sorry" Kacchan stared at me and looked around before hugging me. I felt air blowing into my ear. I couldn't tell if he was speaking or just trying to make me flinch. He moved away and we sat down eating the amazing breakfast he had made for his family. Day one was crazy but good. The rest of the days were fine too. Christmas came we had food, celebrated I cried a bit about my mother. Though I was happy to be with Kacchan. It was a great Christmas

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