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I was done with my life at this point, all the money we wasted everything I wanted in life is over. Uraraka was now kinda scared to talk to me and almost dropped out of the club till she noticed that it was both our fault, since I was in a bad mood. I was wrong to write that, but she should of left me be for a bit. School left so boring and depressing. I really just wanted to go home and stuff. I really got nothing else to do but wait till I can move out and go to collage. I feel like crying again. I can't cry though. I need to be strong for my mother, I can't be sent home. I'll just ask to use the bathroom. That right. I raised my hand. The teacher nodded towards me. "Yes.. I mean.. what does he want?" The sign language student then asked what I needed, I asked if I could use the bathroom. He repeated it to the teacher. The teacher then nodded. I got up and got out of the room quickly rushing to the bathroom. I started to cry my eyes out from all my thoughts. I'm useless, I'm dumb, I'm stupid.. I make everything worse. I sighed. I wasn't the kind of kid to go do something stupid.. but I allowed my thoughts to get to me. I then finished crying. I had no idea someone walked in. I took one step out then boom I was punched in the face, falling to the ground. "Your an idiot going to cry about this little problem" Kacchan, Kacchan was the one who punched me and laughed. I didn't know what he said I just stared blankly. "Oh right you can't hear me.." he rolled his eyes and sighed then walked out. I watched him leave and tried to clean up my face as fast as I could. "Please let collage come faster" we're the only words in my head.
(SMALL NOTE! I kinda was getting bored with this... So I thought why not skip few years where deku less depressing and is in collage! I'll probably be adding in more characters from the show and a real teacher. No the teacher I have for their high school isn't Mr.Aizawa I think he would know sign language. So that what will be happening next)

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