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Everyone in my class was different. Some were way cooler then me too. I really just glance around when I was standing in front of everyone. Since I couldn't speak or hear anything. I did see people whispering and gasps. I guess me being deaf was told. I sat in my desk looking out the window, I couldn't hear the teacher. So then they had the lesson placed out in front of me, and a student that had deal with deaf people help me it was great. Till.. Kacchan. Kacchan kicked the back of my chair he throw small things at my head. "Stop nerd. Can't hear a thing I'm saying.." I Maybe couldn't hear him, but I could feel it from his body language. Kacchan body language always showed anger, leader and a killing aura. He scares me half of the time that also why we stop seeing each other as kids. I missed him though. Then as break started I was alone the student who help me with his friends. Two girls came up to me. "I'm uraraka and she tsuyu" they had name tags on. It was kinda funny since it like they were actually talking and not just im blah blah. I smiled at the two they smiled back. They had this weird thing. Like a notebook? But it had weird bumps on it. Almost if it was for blind people. They must help blind people? I thought as they open the book, having my name in there as if we were friends. Then the green hair girl took out another notebook with word written in it. "Mind if we use you to help us understand the deaf? We already did a lot of studying on blind people and one's who are mute." The hand written then changed. "You a different case I hope you say yes ❤️" a small heart was written after it. Maybe it was a girly thing they do. I guess I don't come off as a Boy X Boy person.. not my fault I can't hear or speak. I laughed to myself, I then slowly nodded. The girls faces shined so bright I was happy to see their faces like that. I think didn't feel to well doing this if knowing Kacchan here. Hopefully this is change everything my next surgery was in a day so I would be able to hear this time it a 45% chance mostly it was 10%-30% if I was lucky. I can't wait. I was told though with paper and power points that if I do this, I can either be helped or be stuck forever and no hearing aid would helps, but if it works if my ear will hear sounds only to human voices. So I need a hearing aid. As well it doesn't last forever. I was hoping this will allow me to talk to these two girls and help them more. So now I have my full on idea about this. I was gonna do it. Not just for those two girls though, or myself but for him... Kacchan.

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