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I'm on my way to my room. I'm scared to find out who my roommate is. Is it a bad person, a good kind person, scary, deadly,sweet,loving or someone I know!? I sighed and tried to gather all my thoughts. I reached for the doorknob and slowly up the door, I noticed a black bag on the bottom bunk of the bed. Bunk beds in collage? That's weird. I guess maybe they asked for a bunk bed. I guess they are shy that's why. I smiled, as I slowly walked in I noticed a hat, looked like someone I knew hats. I guess I seen or know this person. I walked in more, so my whole body was in the room. I looked over to a door, the bathroom door was locked and steam was coming from under the door. It was my new roommate! I hope they got the letter that I was deaf. I was getting nervous again. I shook my head and went to put my thing by the wall. I walked a little into more to notice how big our room is. We had a kitchen, as well a pretty big living room with a huge tv! This guy must be rich! I gasped and went like sobbing from being jealous. I took a deep breathe and exhaled. I unpacked slowly and made my new bed. I nodded to see it was done. I smiled. I then got off and went to look at the dresses and closet. I then felt like I was being watched. I turned to see Kacchan. "K-KACCHAN!" My eyes widen, his did the same to see me say his name. Kacchan smiled then lifted his hands. I ducked he was going punch me. Then he tap my shoulder. He was using sign language. "Hey. Deku long time no see, I'm sorry... for everything in high school. I been feeling horrible for what I did well not really. I still hate your guts. But I was worry for what I did. Anyway my mother made me learn sign language so we could talk." I just stared blankly. "Idiot nerd I knew it wouldn't work!" He turned around. I, I panicked and hugged him. I was crying. He froze in place I could feel him breathing as if he was crying too. Finally I was back with my childhood friend.

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