8 months later

203 7 0

Dear diary,

Today is gradation and I'm so happy. g18 got this for me because I wanted one. he told me how the guys were all sad that I left. I will do a recap on what happened in collage because I'm probably going to stumble upon this when I'm like forty or something. Zak tried raping me but he didn't know that I was taking self defense classes when I had free time. I broke both his wrists. he hasn't even came near me. Andrew and Jenna started dating.

"Hey Skyler we are about to go on stage!" Jordan yelled at me.

I jump up and walked with Jordan, Jenna, and Andrew. they called our names and we went on stage. we all got off and the crew started running towards me. someone grabbed my wrist and turned me around. it was Jordan.

"Hurry Andrew went to use the bathroom and Jenna went to use the bathroom and Zak is trying to rape her!"

"I will kill him he touched her!" I said before running towards the bathroom. I heard Jenna yelling. I busted up the bathroom door and saw Zak having blood on his knife.

"You fucker! I will kill you!" I yelled as I pushed him up against the wall.

I bet his wrists back and the made a crack. I headbutted him and then kicked him in the place no man should be.

"You ever touch her I kill next time for real!" I  yelled.

"thanks Sky!" Jenna said as she hugged me making my shirt have blood on it.

"Get you wrist cleaned up and we can leave. you can stay at my house." I said. after she was clean we walked out and saw Jordan talking to side rolling her eyes.

"Skyler!" G18 yelled before picking me up and kissing me. I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"Can we go now?" Jordan asked.

"Yeah oh they are going to stay at our house." I said as I jumped down from g.

when we got to the house they all changed into their swimsuits. Jordan and Andrew were trying to push eat other in the pool. I snuck up behind them and pushed both of them. I jumped in after them and g18 followed.

"Lets play chicken!" Jenna yelled while climbing on Andrews back.

"OK g18 hold me up." I said as climbed on his back.

I pushed Jenna down and she landed right on top of Jordan. I jumped off his back and we started doing flips underwater. After we were done we got out and changed clothes. I walked inside and saw all the guys playing on the xbox. G18 picked me up and put me on the counter.

"You want grape?" He asked as he held the bowl up.

"Yeah throw one to me." I said as I opened my mouth.

He threw it but Jordan ran up and stole it while it was still in the air. I flicked her in the back of the head and she gave me a death stare.

"You almost made me swallow a grape!" She yelled as she picked me up and threw me on the couch.

"You have swallowed worst." I said. She sat on top of my stomach.

"Jenna help!" I said as she walked inside.

"No Andrew messed up my makeup!" She said.

"I helped you today so help me!" I said trying to get Jordan off of me.

"Speaking about that why did you leave us?" Hova said.

"It was nothing." I said changing the subject.

"Yes it was. You ran faster than you ever did. So what really happened?" Side asked.

"Just don't talk about it!" I yelled at them still trying to get Jordan off me.

"No there is more." Hova said.

"Jenna do you want to talk about it."

"No." She said looking down at her wrist where she got cut

"So leave it alone!" I yelled as I got out from Jordan.

"Hey where are we sleeping?" Jordan asked.

"The girls are sleeping in my bed and Andrew is sleeping on the couch."

"I'm sleeping with Andrew!" Jenna yelled as she hugged Andrew tightly.

"Do you and g18 sleep together?" Jordan asked.


"Hey do you have any beer?" Jenna asked.

"No but we can get some." I said before texting Kat to come over.

"OK let's go!" Jenna yelled while getting in my truck.

"Bye guys!" I said before started up my car.

"I'm call dibs on the Mr Goodbars!" Andrew yelled from the back of the truck.

Jenna laughed and started making out with him. Me and Jordan turn our heads from the rear view mirror and start talking about the guys.

"I kinda think that speedy dude is cute." She said making me almost choke on my Sprite.

"Say that again?" I asked,

"I said I think that speedy dude is hot!" She yelled hurting my ears.

"Ow and that is cute!" I said.

"Ugh I'm going to go get the beers." She said grabbing a twenty.

"Ok." I said checking my phone. I texted Hova that kat was coming over. 

"I'm back oh and I think Jenna and Andrew are having sex in the back of your truck." She said pointing to them making out.

"Hey no sex back there!" I yelled while tapping on the glass.

When I got back to the house Jenna and Andrew a still making out. All the guys come out as I grab a cup of cold water. I pour it on them and they pull away fast.

"Come on you lovey birds." I said.

"Hey girls!" Somebody said in a girly voice as they go out of the car. It hit me that it is legion.

"Hey legion where were you?" I asked as I pushed Jenna and Andrew out of the car.

"I was visiting family for a week."

"Oh well this is Jenna, Andrew, and Jordan." i said pointing to all of them

"Hey bitches!" Kat said getting out of her car.

"Can we just get partying?" Jordan asked holding forty's up.

"Yeah." I said as we all ran inside.

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