just a dream

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Skyler pov

"You are worthless! You should have died with your mom!" He yelled

I try to stand up but fall back down. He punches me and starts kicking me. I stand up and try to reach the phone but he steps on my wrist. I see my brother in the back just staring at me. I mouth help me but he sees me mouth it and grabs his gun. he shoots my brother in the head and he falls down. He points the gun at me.

"Night night you worthless daughter!" He said before pulling the trigger.

End of dream

I sit up in my bed and start breathing heavy. I feel my pulse to see if I'm alive. My heart is still beat so I'm not dead. I look over at the clock and see it is 5 in the morning. Great I cant go to sleep and nobody is awake. I lay my head back down on the pillow and check my phone. One unread message. I open it up and regret it.

Unknown: I will get you back!

I block them and check twitter. I see the hallway lights turn on. Speedy walks past my door but backs up and looks in my room.

"Why are you awake?" He asked.

"Better question why are you awake?" I ask.

"Because I'm hungry and I'm going to go get McDonalds." He said.

"I want Micky d's!" I said as i got out of bed.

"Okay be ready in five minutes."

"Got it." I said as he left. I put on a black tee shirt and jeans. I grabbed my black hoodie. i went out and speedy getting sidearms up. He pushed him out of bed making him hit the ground with a thump.

"God damn it speedy shut the hell up! People are trying to sleep!" Hova yelled.

"Fine sleep while side, Sky, and i go eat!' He said.

"I want food!" Joel said.

"No you guys are to lazy to wake up!" Speedy said. Side walked out with his hair going every where. He reminded me so much of my brother.

"What car are we taking?" Side asked.

"Mine." He said while walking downstairs.

"G you were down here?" Side asked.


"Do you want anything?" Speedy asked.

"Nah." He said.

I called shot gun and side got in the back. My phone started playing Rap God by Eminem making me jump. I answered it and heard crashing.

"Hey girl hey ."  he said.

"Um who is this?" I asked.

"Your best friend duh."  Kat said.

"oh did you change your number?" I asked.

"No but can i come over to your house?" 

"Um I moved but i can asked my room mates if they don't mind." 

"Speedy can my friend come over?" I asked.

"Sure." He said.

"I will text you the address and come by at 3." I said.

 "Ok bye bye." Kat said.

"Who was that?" Side asked.

"My friend they are stopping by at 3." I said as we pulled in to McDonalds.

"Ok what do you want?" Speedy asked.

After we were done eating all the guys were up. G18 was really quite. I got up and grabbed a water before somebody grabbed my wrist and pulled me to a room. The room was a closet and didn't have a light.

"Who is this?" I asked.

"Uh Side." He said.

"Whatca need?" I asked.

"Do you know why G is so quite?" 


"Oh and do you go to collage?" 

"Yeah after this summer break why?"

"We wanted to know."

"Can I leave now my friend is coming over."

"Um yeah." He said as he moved. I got out and heard a knock at the door. I ran towards the door and saw Kat standing there.

"Hey bitch!" Kat said before kissing me. I pulled away and saw that everyone was looking at me.

"Hey boo."

"Where is your room mates?" She asked.

"Right there." I said pointing at everyone and telling her their nicknames.

"The one on the left is really cute!" She whisper to me.

"That one is mine."

"You are already dating someone?" She yelled.

"No and shut up you are going to wake up the neighbors!" 

"Bitch please! Who is awake at 3 in da afternoon?"

"Half the state."

"Oh did you find the guy from high school?" Kat asked.

"Yeah the one on the end of the couch."

"Really the J3t one or something like that?"

"It is G18 and J3T is a Hollywood Undead member you dumbo!" I yelled at her.

"Well im going to leave i got to go get Sean his car broke down." 

"Bye boo."

"Bye bae!" She said before closing the door.

"Is she your girlfriend?" Speedy asked.

"No she is just my best friend. We met while i was in high school. She stood up for me and when a guy touched me she would flip them on their asses. She was like a bodyguard for me."

"So that is how you flipped that gangs ass right?" Shadow asked.

"Yeah and mortal kombat. Wait how do you know i did that?"

"I drove by your house when i was on my dirt bike."

"Creeper." I said before getting a water. I felt arms wrap around my waist. I elbowed them in the gut and they fell down. I looked behind me and saw Speedy on the ground in pain.

"Oh shit sorry Speedy!" I said as i helped him get up.

"Why the fuck did you do that?"

"I said I'm sorry what else do you want!?"

"Skyler calm down he will get over it." D4 said.

"No he is yelling at me for no reason! What the fuck do you want me to do for you to understand that I didn't mean to? Suck your dick or fuck you?! I'm going to sleep don't bother me!" I said before going up stairs. I laid down on my bed and fell asleep.

I don't know if shadow has a dirt bike but lets just pretend :)

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