It's the beach bitch!

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I woke up and saw G on the couch. He was looking at his phone worried.

"Hey babe." I said.

"Hey. Do you want to go to the beach?" He asked.

"Hell yeah." I said before going up and changing. I grabbed cover up clothes and went out.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Yup." I said before walking out.

We started walking on the board walk and saw some cool shops. We went down to the beach and I saw Jordan, Kat, and Jenna trying to tan. 

"Jenn wake up you are dying!" I yelled making her jump up.

"You fucker! Why are you here?" She asked as the others looked over.

"G wanted me to meet his family."

"Oh cool. Jordan and kat get your lazy asses up! You swimming?" She asked getting up.

"Yeah. you comin Kat?" I asked.

"No!" She yelled.

"Come on it is the beach bitch!" I yelled as Jordan stood up.

"Yeah the beach is for tanning!" She yelled back.

"You don't need tanning you are sun burnt!" I said making her look.

"Ugh!" She said running after me. I ran into the ocean and she followed.  I got out and sat next to G.

"Thanks for getting tickets." I said before kissing him.

"No problem." he said before I put on my shirt and tee shirt.

"You want to go look at the shops on the boardwalk?" I asked.

"Yeah." When we done eating and looking at nothing in the shop the a sun was right over the ocean.

"You want to swim one last time tonight?" He asked.


When we got back to the beach I ran to the water and did a cannonball. G followed and did the same. I wrapped my legs around G and rested my head on his chest. When the sun was gone we got out and dried off. When we headed back to the house his mom and dad stopped us.

"Where were you?" She asked.

"With Sky."

"Who is sky?" The dad asked.

"My girlfriend." He said before going in.

"Give me that back!" Acid yelled.

"No!" Jack yelled back.

"Both of you out!" G yelled. I went upstairs and grabbed clean clothes. I turned on the shower and stripped down. I got out and put on a pair of sweat pants and a light shirt. I sat on our bed and watched South Park. My phone rang and it was Dylan.

"Hey Dly."

"Hey sis. I forgot to ask. Who is your boyfriend?" 

"Okay if you tell anyone Im comin to your house and be under your bed with my knife. It is G."

"First when did you become Jeff The Killer? And second he is!"


"Okay cool. Has dad talked to you at all?" He asked before I put him on speaker.

"Yes and you are on speaker."

"Ok and what did he say?"

"He was just talking about my past." I said before G hopped on the bed and laid next to me.

"Damn it G!" I yelled as I got my phone off the ground.

"What happened?" Dylan asked.

"He had to jump next to me and made my phone drop on the ground. If its broken you are buying me a new one!" I yelled.

"You two sound more like brothers and sister than girlfriend and boyfriend." Dylan said before I pushed him off the bed.

"Yeah right. Im going to bed. Bye bro!" I said before hanging up. I pulled the blakets up and fell asleep.

Sorry for the slow updates but I will probably post 2 or 3 more chapters today. Thanks for reading ^.^

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