Kalel again

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I woke up from my nap and saw it was 5. I got up and grabbed my bag. I went downstairs and saw a note on the door.

Hey Sky,

We are hanging out and are probably going to be gone intill 7. Don't worry we will be back.


The crew.

I sighed and got in my truck. I drove to the hospital. I went to scarlets room and saw her awake.

"Scarlet my soldier!' I said before hugging her.

"Hey cousin sky. I saw you remember?" She said.

"Yes I remember. I'm so happy are you strong." I said.

"Ma'ma are you her mom?" The nurse asked.

"yes." I lied.

"Ok well she can come out today. just sign these and she can go with you." She said.

I signed them and Scarlet walked with me to my truck. I sat her in the backseat and drove home. When we got there I showed her my room and told her she can sleep with me.

"Sky we are home!" Side yelled.

"Who is that?" She asked.

"Come on I will show you them." I said before picking her up. I went down and scarlet lit up.

"Who is she?" Hova asked.

"Oh you are hovie, Side, D4, D20, G18, Speedy, Joel, Shadow, and leigion." Scarlet said leaving the guys with their jaws open.

"You told her didn't you?!" Speedy asked shocked.

"No I remember you from heaven." She said.

"Sky are you giving this kid drugs?" Shadow asked.

"No. When I was in the car crash we could watch you and I told her your names. She was also in a car crash. She has to live with us." I said before letting her down.

"Oh god." Speedy said as she hugged his legs.

"Are you hungry?" I asked.

"Yes." She said running back to me.

"Ok." I said before checking what food to give her. After she ate I laid her down in my bed and watch tv with her.

"Can we watch sponge bob?" She asked.

"Sure." I said turning it on and watching it with her. After a full season she final went to sleep. I covered her up and kept my nightstand light on for her. I left the tv on and went downstairs.

"Is she asleep?" Shadow asked.


"Why does she have to live with us?" G18 asked.

"Because her mom and dad are abusive. My mom said to let her live with us anyway." I said before there was a knock on the door. I got it and saw Kalel standing there looking pissed.

"Where is Scarlet?!" She asked like a brat.

"Why do you give a shit?" I asked.

"Because she is my cousin and was driving with me!" She yelled.

"Great so you could have killed me, Scalet, and yourself for being drunk trying to be a one nightstand! Get the fuck out before I rip you fake blonde hair out your head and strangle you with it!"

"No bitch and who will give a shit if you dead?! I wished you died just like your mother. You would have two things alike. You both would be dead and a slut!" She said with her hand on her hip.

"Yeah says the whore who made out and possible had sex with a dude you didn't even know for 1 hour!" I yelled.

"Bull shit! How long have you known that ugly ass boyfriend?! YOU SHOULD HAVE DIED WHEN YOU STARTED CUTTING AFTER YOUR DAD RAPED YOU WITH ZAK!" She yelled.

"Oh cat got your tongue dad problem bitch?!" She said before I pushed her over. I punched her in the nose, jaw, and eye before I put my hands around her neck.

"This you last warning before I kill you! I won't tonight because I have scarlet and she will have to go to you careless bitch! Now get out before I kill you!" I said as I took my hands off and push her out of the door. Scarlet came down and looked worried.

"Are you ok Scarlet?" I asked.

"Your bleeding." She said while shaking.

"I know baby. I will get cleaned up and then we can watch sponge bob again." I said before she went back.

"Sky you ok?" Side asked.

"Yeah." I said before going upstairs and in my bathroom. I cleaned up and saw my knuckles busted. I laid down with Scarlet as we watched Sponge bob. She wouldn't go to sleep so I just let her out.

"OK you can run around but when I saw to go to bed you have to." I said while she ran downstairs. I sat next to g as she played with Mrs jahova.

G18's pov

Holy shit she is better at taking care of a child than all nine of us. Again she is a girl.

"Sky come play with me!" Scarlet said.

"Okay." She said getting up and playing air hockey with her. 

"So when you going to do it?" Side asked.

"Do what?" I asked.


"I told you I don't know and it is not going to be any time soon." I said before speedy hit me.

"What was that for?"

"Do you want a child?"

"I guess I don't know."

"That is what your whole life is! I don't know this! I don't know that!" Hova said.

My phone went off and I saw a unknown number text me. 

Unknown: Hey G. I miss you.

It hit that it was my ex. Great now she is going to try to break up with sky.

"Scar do you want to play softball?" Ty asked.

"Yeah!" She said before going out.

"I want to pway!" D4 said like a little kid.

"Ok feller lets go!" Ty said in her southern voice.

"Dude you ok?" Side asked.

"No it is Katie." I said showing him the text.

"Oh fuck man. How you going to tell sky?"

"I'm not."

"How wants to come play with Sky?" Speedy asked getting up. Everybody got up but me. I sat there think about how she got my number. I heard Sky's phone and saw Dylan calling. Who the hell is Dylan? I got on the xbox and started playing gta.

 Since I can't put my photos on here just search somad48 on polyvore and it should show my outifts Im going to make for chapters :)

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