cuts and pills

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I woke up and saw it was Saturday. I got up and changed. I called Nathan and Jordan and told them to meet me at the skate park. I went there and saw kitty and Vanessa making out with Cole. How the hell do they share the same guy?

"Hey spring break is coming up. Are you finally going to lose your virginity? Wait you are a ugly cunt. I really hope you overdose and cut too deep." Vanessa said to me. Does this bitch really want me to sock her in the nose again.

"And don't think you emo lame friends will save you. They even want you dead. Your whole family wants you dead. And tell your mom if Jordan's dad was good fucking since she slept around with everyone. And you will end up like your dad for ever. A virgin." Kitty said. I got on my board. I went home and got my pills. I swallowed a handful and grabbed a pen and paper.


I'm sorry Jordan, Nathan, mom dad, side, speedy, legion, shed eww, deulxe brothers, and nobody.I had to. God is sending me to a new place where I can be peaceful. Tell that bitch kitty and Vanessa I fuckin hate em. Anyway don't think you can save me. I swallowed a handful of pills.

Jordan walked in and saw me. He looked at the note and dragged me in the bathroom. He made me puke them up. I sat back and Jordan looked mad.

"I can't believe you!" He yelled making me flinch. I have never heard him yell and it scared me. He hugged me and kept saying sorry. He pulled away and kissed me. I was shocked but kissed back. He licked the bottom of my lip and I let him in. I let him roam around my mouth. I pulled away for air.

"You are good." He said. He picked me up bridal style and laid me down on the bed. He closed the door and locked it. He climbed on top of me and started kissing me.

Sorry for slow updates but I probably not going to be updating for 2-3 days. I slammed my hand in a car door and it is almost impossible to type and hurts like hell, and I'm have like 15 stories I'm working on and I don't have much time to write them because of brothers and softball. Thanks for ready ^.^

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