Chapter Two

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It's been two days.

Two days since Maggie decided to leave for a place called The Hilltop.

Two days since Carol has been helping (Y,n) having knowing what to do as well.

It's been two days since Anthony came into her life, her little miracle of life she'd call him. (Y,n) was able to leave the house and move into her own, it was small but it better than living in one bedroom. Rick gave her a car seat from the nursery they have in Alexandria whil a man named Daryl and the woman Carol had gone out and find more baby essentials for her and the community nursery.

It was obvious that Rick and Michonne wanted to know about her time with the saviors with the constant watching of her and questions, for all they knew (Y,n) could be one of their spies sent to find them on purpose.

Anthony laid in the young girl's arms as she walked around the house humming to the tune of 'Mary had a little lamb' to keep herself and the baby entertained, just as there was a knock at the door.

She changed her path from living room to the front door holding Tony with one arm, close to her chest to make sure he doesn't fall, "Yes?", She opened the door to see a boy who had to be just around her age, his shoulder-length dark brown hair covered his left eye but (Y,n) could still see the white bandage that wrapped around his head and to his eye.

In his hands was a box labeled 'Baby and Me' in cursive as a brown hat sat on top with a golden thread wrapped around the middle of it,

"I'm Carl. Uh-- Rick's son, Carol told me to bring you these boxes" He pointed to three other boxes behind him by turning his body, she moved out the way and allowed him to walk in.

"You can place it next to the car seat on the counter," Wanting to help, (Y,n) held Tony with both hands to place him in the green car seat and followed Carl towards back the door,

"So, how are you liking it here so far?" Trying to make casual conversation Carl said anything that came to mind.

"It's better than where I came from but everyone is still a little weary about me. Especially your dad," closing the door with her foot they placed the rest of the boxes on the counter,

"That sounds like him, ever since the prison, he's never really trusted anyone that easy" (Y,n)'s eyes widened, suddenly interested from his words.

"Prison? That sounds like a story," Carl chuckled and leaned against the fridge watching she digs through on of the boxes, taking out random items."Yeah it is. Maybe you tell me yours and I'll tell you mines someday", he shrugged while keeping his eyes on her, waiting to see how'd she react.

It was nice having someone her age to talk to if she was being honest. All of her friends either died or left her behind which probably lead to their deaths as well, "What's his name?" Carl walked around the counter to face the grunting baby who moved oh so slightly in his sleep.

"Anthony but I call him Tony" They both stared down at the boy, completely entranced by him.

"Does he have a middle name?" Carl asked, glancing to the girl besides him,

"Anthony Glenn Rhee, my brothers name" She said with a soft smile appearing on her lips.

Carl's face was shocked. He stared at the baby for a second before chuckling awkwardly, "Cool. I heard Maggie is coming back, she had to go and get something for you from Hilltop. Listen, I gotta go, my dad is probably wondering where I am" 

(Y,n) looked up, almost feeling sad that he was leaving. "Oh okay, it was nice meeting you Carl" He stopped walking to the door and turned around as he held his hat against his chest while saying, "You too, see you around (Y,n)".

It was weird.

Whenever she'd tell someone the name of her baby, his full name, they would freeze up or have a sad look on their face making whatever conversation they were having become awkward.

(Y,n) sat at the little pond that was in the middle of town having her baby on her lap and talking to him, saying anything that came to mind, "Did you know I love you? And you're the most handsome guy I've met?"  She allowed her son to grab her fingers as she moved them slightly enjoying the sight his light brown eyes.

"How do you know Glenn?"

(Y,n) turned her head to see Maggie standing with her arms crossed and a frown on her face, finally someone had asked instead of blowing it off or making an excuse, "Maggie, hey. He's um- my brother, well I was adopted when I was ten. Do you know him?",

The poor girl looked into Maggie's chocolate eyes hoping that she'd find her brother and hug him for what felt forever.

"Yeah I did, I'm Maggie Rhee, I was his wife"

"His wife? That nerd actually got a woman?" (Y,n) quickly stood up holding Tony on her chest to where his head was laying on her shoulder and his hands were gripping onto her shirt, "Wait... Was?" 

Maggie pulled her hands from behind her back showing an old, dirty baseball cap she knew too well. Holding the tears back she took the hat from Maggie's hand and chuckled while trying not to cry, "This is... His hat"

"Yeah" Maggie whispered,

"I bought this for him as gift for getting his first job... Oh god-- Did he turn?" (Y,n) used the back of her hand to wipe the tears away,

"No, no uh... We have his body back at the Hilltop. We buried him, I'm sure if you ask Rick we could go back--"

"I don't need his permission, according to him I'm not part of this community. I actually would like to go now please"

She stood up and made face of discomfort from finally feeling the saliva from her baby soaking into her shirt. "Go get his car seat, I'll meet you by the gate" Maggie told her.

And that's exactly what she did, (Y,n) placed Tony in his car seat making sure it was safely secure with a blanket over top. Picking up the car seat with his diaper bag in the other she made her way to the tall brown gate where Rick stood talking with Carl and Maggie,

"When you come back you still have a few more questions to answer" It was obvious that he wasn't liking the idea of her leaving,

"Yeah I know, I just need to see where my brother was buried..." He placed a hand on her shoulder for a second before saying,

"He was a good man" It seemed as if he wanted to say more but something in him didn't let him.

(Y,n) smiled at the man before turning to the car. "Here, I'll take him for you" Carl offered, just as she was about to hand him over but she retracted her arm and said, "Have you put a car seat in before?"

"No not really" She scoffed and opened the back door setting the silent baby in and looking the seat belt between before buckling it, "I'm not letting you touch him until you know how to fasten a car seat"

Carl laughed, "Are you serious? I have a little sister and she survived perfectly without one I'm sure he can do the same"

"Not on my watch, just because it's the apocalypse doesn't mean the rules don't apply" She sassed back before walking around the car and getting in the back. But Carl wasn't going to let this go that easily as he sat in the front seat.

Maggie couldn't help but smirk at the two but it was quickly ruined, "Watch her for me. Just because she's young doesn't mean--"

"Yeah know, the saviors are smart but do really think that they'd use a teenage girl? Who was pregnant? I mean how could they have know that you and Michonne was going down that road just as she was ready to give birth?"

Rick rubbed his beard then squeezed his nose in the same motion, "I don't know, maybe Eugene saw us or maybe I'm overreacting but just be careful out there".

"We will".

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