Chapter One

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"How old are you?" The older man asked sitting at the end of the table while she sat on the other side staring the bat wrapped in barbwire that dripped with crimson blood, it was clear that he had just finished killing someone.

"You might want to answer him. He doesn't like repeating himself" a middle age woman with her gray hair shaved into a short mohawk growled at her from behind.

(Y,n)'s heart was beating so hard she thought that everyone in the small room could hear it as her mouth opened to speak, choking out the words, "S-sixteen".

A man with dirty blonde hair looked over at Negan as if he was trying to read his mind before turning to the young girl causing her to hold her breath as she saw the right side of his was burned and discolored but for some reason, it didn't seem like that was an accident to her. 

"What's your name princess?" He asked leaning forward, folding his hands together as they rested against the metal table, "A-April Jones" She had purposely made up a fake name not wanting them to learn her real one, her adoptive mother had always told her if she got into trouble never tell them your real name, 

"April Jones... I love that name"


(Y,n) woke up feeling a strong kick in her stomach causing her to wince in pain.

Her hands lifted from underneath her blanket, pulling it down to reveal her large stomach at least the size of a full watermelon.

She still wasn't used to the feeling of a human being moving inside her, kicking and basically calling all of the shots of what she ate when she had to use the bathroom and when she had to wake up such as now. 

(Y,n) had learned all about what happens to the female body during pregnancy, how many pounds she'd gain and how the dangers of being pregnant as a teen especially since your organs and body is still growing all in a Parent and Child development class in school before shit hit the fan but the one thing school didn't teach was how to survive in the apocalypse.

Slowly sitting up and whispering soft nothings to baby (Y,n) swung her legs over the bed in a careful manner pulling the oversized shirt down to cover her slightly chilly belly.

Standing up with one hand on her back and the other still on her stomach she walked to the mirror and stared at herself only for a knock at the door to break her gaze, 

"Hey, I expected you to still be sleep, is something wrong?" It was Dwight. 

He was the only person she could trust with everything, her past, her real name and even her complaints about wanting to leave the compound. Dwight was a good man, simply trying to survive in along side a mad man.

"Yeah well, their kicks are getting stronger by the day. Doc says I'm ready to pop any day now..." As exciting as it sounds she wasn't very happy. (Y,n) didn't want to give birth in one of the worst places on earth but the worst part is her baby's father is Negan himself.

The only thing she was thankful for was Dwight and the child itself, "Well uh, I came here to hand you some more clothes. You have another visit with the Doc later on so come on out once your finished",

She thanked him, taking the neatly folded clothes from his hands as he closed the door behind him. 

Grabbing the sweatpants by the waistband she shook it out noticing a piece of white paper had fallen out, curiosity filled her young mind. 

'Eugene's guard shift is over in ten minutes, it takes another six for his replacement so be there in two, the hall is clear for now. Pack as much as you can. 

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