Chapter Twenty Four: She's just a girl

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Dog, Magna, and Yumiko were ahead of everyone, making sure they back the Hilltop was clear as Michonne helped Eugene walked while Daryl and Aaron carried the lifeless body of their friend Jesus. 

(Y,n) walked slowly behind them, her mind was still a bit fuzzy from what happened last night and her eyes were bloodshot from crying. 'Who the hell would pretend to be a walker? Did they send the herd to them? How did they do it? Was more out there?' So many questions rattled around her head as she wrapped her arms around herself and tried her best to not look at Jesus's body in front of her. 

She thought she was used to seeing friends die. She thought she'd get over it by now but all it did was make it worse and make her angrier. She needed to find out who did this. 

When they got to horses Aaron placed Jesus on his, Eugene got on Daryls as Magna and Yumiko rode on (Y,n)'s. She walked behind them as the women asked Aaron about Jesus, she could've answered their questions but how could she when her eyes couldn't even glance at his body.

"He is... Was... Uh, more than a friend. He was (Y,n)'s friend too, godfather to her children... He shouldn't have been out here, we've done nothing but tried to convince him that he should stay at Hilltop and run things there"

"No" (Y,n) spoke up, causing the three of them to watch she speeds up and walks beside them, "No, this wasn't his fault. He wanted to continue to do what he loved and that was finding new things and helping others so the ones in fault are those assholes who play dress-up with dead human skin" They all knew the risk of being outside the walls. Sometimes, bad things happen for no reason. 

Dog started to bark at the bridge ahead of them as walkers walked inside, they all looked at each other. "Are they the dead or living?" Eugene asked, letting anyone answer his question. 

"I'm about to find out" (Y,n) ran in front of the group, ignoring the warnings from Daryl and Michonne as she pulled out her silenced pistol and knife. There were six of them, all walking towards her. (Y,n) took a deep breath and throw her knife into the chest of one, it was a walker, she then raised her gun and shot the one next to it to and sure enough, the man yelled in pain and fell to the ground causing three walkers to crowd and finish what she started. The two walkers in the back turned around and started to walk away, she knew they weren't dead. 

Anger boiled in her blood as she rushed one of them just as he unsheathed his knife and turned around. (Y,n) easily moved her body away from his wide swings before she was able to grab his hand, twist it as hard she could to where he dropped the knife. She then punched him in the throat, went for the knife and stabbed him multiple times in the chest and stomach before turning around to look at the other masked person who stayed against the wall with fear in their eyes, 

"Drop the fucking knife" She warned, (Y,n) wasn't about to kill this one yet. She wanted answers. Once they dropped the knife she kicked it away and snatched the mask from their head as shock mixed her anger filled face. It was a young girl. Not more than sixteen. Her long black hair was covered in muck and dirt along with everything else on her as she raised her hands in fear, 

"Please" She begged, "Please don't kill me... please" she continued to whine as (Y,n) threw the mask towards Michonne who just caught up with the rest of the group after killing the other walkers. 

"How many?" Michonne asked in a rough voice. Once the girl didn't answer (Y,n) got closer which made her scoot closer to the wall and look towards the others. "Please... You killed them all, it's just me now" (Y,n) then pushed the barrel of her gun to the girls head and basically growled, "I don't believe you" Just as she said those words they heard more growls and looked to the entrance of the bridge where more than a dozen walkers began to make their way towards them. It had to be the masked people, there was no way the herd knew where to look. 

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