Chapter Eighteen

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Fifteen of their people died that night. 

All fifteen were buried as they felt knew that this was the cost.

The cost of fighting back for their freedom.

The cost of wanting for killing The Saviours and was it worth it?

Everyone had one half say 'yes, it was worth it' while the other simply said no for all the innocent lives lost. 

(Y,n) sat next to Daryl in the back of a pickup as he made new arrows with his bow and answered any questions she had about them anytime she was curious. They both looked up to see Tara walking out the main building holding the arm she had got shot in, 

"Hey" Daryl greeted as (Y,n) simply gave a small wave. 

"Hey" Tara stood in front of them, "So... It's been over a day. Still not sick, the Doc says I'm cool" Tara told them while letting go of her arm and grabbing the waistband of her jeans and pulling them up more. 

"You're a tough son of a bitch," Daryl told her before going back to sharping his newly made arrow. 

"Daryl, it just means that Dwight had looked out for us and gave that person a clean arrow"

"And what if that guy decided to go for anyone else? You would be dead right now" He argued and looked back up to her, 

"But he didn't, and if I could I would thank Dwight right now" (Y,n) spoke up, having recently learned about Tara letting Dwight live and letting him go. 

"But he still could have warned us, sent some kind of message that all of that was going to happen" Daryl continued to fight back while looking at both women. 

"Well, maybe he couldn't. Maybe because I let him go he couldn't warn us or because they were close to figuring out that he was the traitor but either way I'm alive" Tara folded her arms across her chest, 

"So what? He just gets a free pass for playing as the good guy?" 

"Maybe. We needed him then and we might him now but he's gone so all I'm saying is that is Tara or you would have killed him she wouldn't be alive right, would she? The body count would be up to sixteen or maybe more and that guilt could've hit us harder but it's not and Tara is alive because of him" (Y,n) spoke her mind and truth while standing up from the truck and putting her hands in her pockets, 

"She's right, Daryl. Now, you can go and find him if you want and kill him but just know... You're only doing it for yourself... I'm out" Tara gave a farewell nod to (Y,n) before walking away and leaving the two alone in silence. 

"Yeah... I'm out too. I have planting to do" (Y,n) told Daryl while hitting his foot and walking away causing him to shake his head, 

"You weren't even in it, how can you be outta it?" He called out to her but she knew she wouldn't turn around and give him an answer to her silly comment. 


Carl was currently standing with his father as he talked to Alden about where the other prisoners had gone and if he knew where before Alden had turned to Carl instead to talk to him, "I know that you're with (Y,n) and I just want what's best for her. She's been through so much and I just... I'm glad she has someone else to look after her". 

The young man made a mental note to ask about Alden and his girlfriend's relationship but for now, he nodded and said, "Yeah... Me too". He watched as Alden went back to his job which was planting crops before following behind his father who looked like a man on a mission. 

As the gates were coming into view Rick stopped and turned to his son while looking at the ground before looking Carl in the eyes. "Listen..." He brought a hand up and ran it down his beard, "I understand that you and (Y,n) wanted to take things to the next level--" 

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