Chapter Nineteen

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Everything was starting to go as planned as the two years passed by. The Saviours and Alexandrians merged together and lived in harmony as best as they could with the ocean following behind.

Alexandria was filled with garden life and solar panels and people from all over and little Judith was finally five years old and enjoying her life with her mom, dad, and brother along with two year old Anthony and sister in law (Y,n).

"Who are you drawing baby?" (Y,n) sat next to Tony at the table as he had coloring pencils and crayons along with paper on the table in front of his high chair. He didn't bother to look up from his masterpiece of terribly drawn figures of what looked to be people. 

"Dada and you" He mumbled before trying to put a crayon in his mouth but was stopped by his mother once it came close which earned a whine at the end. "If you want to chew on something ask" (Y,n) reminded him and he gave attitude by dropping the coloring tools in his hands and snapping his head towards his mother, 

"Toy peas, mama". 

(Y,n) smiled and grabbed a chew toy that was meant for a baby and gave it to her son. He started having the tendency to chew on things and since she doesn't want him to continue to eat food as for something to chew on he gets his old baby toy. She ran her hand through his (H,c) hair and kissed his temple before standing up and returning to the stove to finish making breakfast. 

The front door open and Carl walked in with a basket full of random supplies for the house in his hands and once Tony saw him he started to wiggle in his chair and knock over all the coloring tools. "Dada! Uppy!" He squealed and Carl didn't wait another minute to set the basket down and jog over and pick him up out high chair, 

"Hey, buddy" Carl gave him a big smile and kissed his cheek before making his way towards his wife. "And hey to you too" he pressed his lips against hers which made Tony yell out 'no' as they pulled back. 

"She's mine!" He whined while reaching for (Y,n) who gladly took him from Carl as he pretended to be hurt and pressed a hand over his heart. 

"Let's add that to the book of 'things we can't do around Tony without him screaming'" she joked as he wrapped his little arms around her neck and kept her close to him. Carl nodded in agreement and placed a hand on Tony's back to get him to look at him, 

"Want to go have a play date with Judith? She's painting" Carl's words had piqued Tony's interest and he reached out for him. "We'll be back soon-- oh and talk to Daryl. He told my dad to tell you to reach out to him" He took the walkie talkie off his belt and handed it over to his wife before leaving the house with their son. 

Assuming that he had already turned it the channel Daryl was on she called, "Daryl? You there?" (Y,n) turned around and took the pan off the stove so the pancakes wouldn't burn. 

"Yeah, I'm here" He answered back, "Are you alone?".

She was a little worried as to why he asked that. "Yeah, I am. I everything okay?" She leaned against the counter, waiting for the answer. 

"I think I just found your sister. She has a picture of her family in it and surprisingly enough you're in it" 

 It felt like she was just punched in the chest and the air got knocked out of her. It was almost like all of her childhood fears and traumas came rushing back... Nevermind. That is what exactly happened. 

"(Y,n) I know you're probably freaking out right now so I need you to take a breath" Daryl told her and she finally caught a breath with tears in her eyes. Her childhood was nothing but terrible and she was afraid that it was coming back. 

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