Chapter Seventeen

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"What's his name?"

(Y,n) turned around to see a young boy with blonde hair with a sharpened staff and his body armor still on even though everyone was starting to pile into the main house and share trailers to rest for the night,

"Your baby I mean" He explained while raising his free hand a little to point to him. (Y,n) gave him a small smile before answering,

"Anthony. But we called him Tony" She watched as Henry stood there near the doorway for a few more seconds before slowly making his way towards her little cot as his hand tightened, that was when she noticed the blood on the sharped side of the stick. Henry followed her eyes to it before moving it to behind his back.

"I uh... I killed the man that killed my brother, well I thought he killed he killed him but I was wrong. He was one of your people"

"The Saviours aren't my people... Alexandria is my people, The Hilltop is my people and hopefully so is The Kingdom. Who are you with?" (Y,n) asked as she looked away for a second to fix the blanket she had draped over her half naked son who was silently sleeping in the cot next to her, 

"The Kingdom"

"You've come a long way haven't you?" She asked the young boy who simply nodded while taking a few steps away from the door, 

"I'm sorry about your friend..." Of course, he knew what happened to Walter. Everyone did. 

"I'm sorry about your brother"

"Henry?" As the boy, Henry, turned around Carol had walked into the room with worry on her face. She must've been looking for him. "There you are".

"I-I was just talking to her, I'm sorry I ran from you and Morgan" He apologized to her as Carol looked down at him and into his eyes while placing a hand on top of his head before letting it fall onto his left cheek as a mother would. The look Carol gave him was the same look (Y,n) gives her own son. 

She loved him like a son.

"It's time for you to get some sleep" Carol guided him out the room but not before turning back and giving (Y,n) a sorrowful look. 

(Y,n) woke up in the middle of the night feeling someone's arm wrapped around her waist as their other arm was placed underneath her neck and hugged her closer to their body while resting their hand on her shoulder. It could only be Carl.

"You've been sleep since we've got here" Carl whispered while leaning his head on the side of her neck and placing a small kiss on it. 

"It's been a long day..." She mumbled while grabbing his hand and giving it a squeeze. "I'm sorry I kind of ignored you all day... I should've been there for you... And Angel and Jax but I-I don't know, I took it--"

"You don't have to apologize. We all needed some time alone even if we didn't say it out loud" Carl had cut her off and placed another kiss on her neck before moving up to her cheek and kissing her there, "I love you... I love you both so much..." With him saying that her eyes started to fill with tears as she turned her head around to get a better look at him with the moonlight dusting its rays on to them through the blinds of the window, 

"I love you too".

Despite everyone's pleas for (Y,n) to hide in one of the rooms in the main house while they waited for the Saviours to attack the Hilltop she fought back and allowed a sweet elderly couple to take her son and keep him safe as she stood in her position with her rifle in hand. 

"Your thirty-eight people are alive but if you don't turn around right now I have thirty-eight bullets I will personally fire into each thirty-eight heads" Maggie spoke into the walkie talkie before moving it towards Alden so he could confirm that they were alive, 

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