Chapter Twelve

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"They have guns..." Tara said, 

"Who?" Rick asked her.

"The women I met... They... They have an armory filled with guns"

"Why didn't you tell us this before?"

"Because I made a promise, Rick".

 "Stay here," Carl told her as the began to pack up, getting ready to head to the hidden women Tara had just told them about. He stood close to her as she held her son in one arm while the other held his head, 

"I know" (Y,n) answered.

"I'll be back soon, we all will," He told her kissing her forehead while placing his hand on her face. His thumb in front of her ear on her cheek with the rest of his fingers in her hair, 

"I know" She smiled.

"And be safe" Rolling her eyes, she leaned in and gave him a quick kiss before saying, 

"You too" As his name was called out by his father Carl quickly gave her another kiss, staying there for a few more seconds before walking backward and tipping his hat to make her smile. And it did. 

It's been at least an hour since they left, (Y,n) had placed Tony in his car seat and set it on the table near where she worked, Since it was hot out, she had put in just a onesie making sure he was still shaded and happy, 

She had wished that Sasha was here. That woman loved Tony and it would nice if she had someone to talk too, someone to say things she would never say to Carl too. 

"Don't you have to use the hammer" She looked up to see Gregory with his hands on his hips pulling back that same old suit jacket he wore the day they met except it had a blood stain near his collar. Ignoring his comment, she continued to twist the screwdriver into the board. Maggie had told her to nail together the wooden pieces that would soon make a bench once it was done and shaven smooth. 

"I see your son is... Healthy. He looks like Ne--"

"What are you even doing here, Gregory?" She asked not needing him to finish his sentence. 

"You know you could be a little nicer, I almost died out there just now but Maggie saved me" 

"Well good for you, what do you want from me?" She placed the screwdriver down and wiped her face with the collar of her shirt as sweat began to drip from her forehead. Gregory stepped closer and folded his arms.

"I-I-- What are you gonna do if they succeed? Your baby will be fatherless"

"Nope," she said.

"You're people will most likely kill you for betraying them (Y,n). If I was you I would... I would leave. Leave so my child would have a better future, so the ones I care about would be safe but it's all up to you at the end dear" She simply walked from the other of the half made bench and rested her hand on it as her arms stretched backward and stared him in the eyes with a bored expression. 

"Did you just fucking try to get me to leave by using my son and the people I care for?" She scoffed and shook her head at the man, "If you were me you would never abandon your child or the people you care about, you'd fight for them and you wouldn't give up but if I were you..." She gave him a death stare while pushing off the bench and walking toward him loving how he backed up from her, 

"I'd run from the teenage mother who can kill you with her bare hands".

The moment Carl came to get her she was glad that she could leave Hilltop, not wanting to be there where Gregory was and where Sasha wasn't. It was just them in the car with the month old baby in the backseat as the sun began to rise again and the heat was beginning to settle on the earth around them causing him to roll down the window, just a crack since neither of them wanted a cranky baby.

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