Why me

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Andy's POV: I pulled up a seat next to Rye and this girl I'd never seen before, I hadn't slept in days just thinking about how I hurt Rye. I couldn't sleep, eat, or think properly when I had the guilt of what I did to him. His hair was very messy like he didn't even bother to brush it. And it just reminded me of how every morning I would wake up and play with his curly hair hours before he would wake up. And just admire how lucky I was to have this "angel" fall asleep and wake up next to me every morning. Things were different now, now that he caught me cheating on him, I tried explaining myself to him but he didn't believe me. But now he'd moved on to someone new and I don't know if I can live with myself anymore if don't try explain it one more time.

(Andy sits down at table) "what are you drinking there Rye" I was wondering why would I ever say that but it was already out there now for him to hear. "What do you want Andrew," he said. "I just wanted to explain myself." "There's no need for explaining," he said getting up, grabbing the girl's arm and storming out he said "why don't you just go and cheat on another person right in front of them," he slammed the door behind him and just like that he was gone, again. I decided I wasn't going I take no for an answer so I stormed out of there and chased after him. (Rye dropped Eliza off at her house) I grabbed his arm and yelled "Rye just let me explain" he yelled "NO!!" And kept walking because he was stronger than me. "She kissed me" I yelled at the top of my lungs. A police officer had been standing near by and came over and asked what was going on. Rye said, "he is holding me against my will." (he lied) The officer believed him because my hand was on him and he took me away to a little prison. (like where you go if you can afford a ticket, so not a big jail) In there I came up with a great idea to get Rye back so hopefully it works and I can get my boyfriend back.

Author's Note:
Hope you like it 🐝🌵

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