No Tears Left To Cry

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Andy's POV:

I didn't know what to do besides cry and be mad at myself for getting closer and closer to Rye when I should've just left the city when I had the chance. The only people I have to talk to is Mikey and my dad Blair but he is always on the road with his business. He is a music producer, I told him once that I wanted to be a singer and he just laughed at me. But I've been told that I have a beautiful voice. Can I just lay here until I die? Just as I was thinking about that when I felt a cold, dry hand on my shoulder. I knew just then it was Mikey, I slowly got up and gave him a huge hug. "I'M SUCH AN IDIOT, I LET MYSELF GET CLOSE TO HIM JUST TO BE SHOT BACK DOWN AGAIN. I don't know what to do with my life anymore, it's like I'm living in a giant hole that I can't ever escape from. Every time I try to climb out or am even close to reaching the top Eliza comes over and pushes me back down to the bottom again." I turned around and to my surprise it wasn't just Mikey, Jack was also there and he seemed a bit surprised that I was so broken over Rye. "Andy you will be ok, I know it seems like the end of the world right now but you will through this trust me. Do you want me and Jack to stay over for the night." I didn't have the energy to respond so I just nodded my head no. "Are you sure that you want to spend the night alone just laying around." "Yeah Mikey I'll be fine, I just need a day, two, or maybe a year or more." I couldn't hold the tears back any longer, once they started I couldn't hold them back anymore. "No, No, No you are not spending the night alone, me and Jack are staying with you tonight." I didn't really want them to but I guess it's for the best. Mikey had to help me off of the ground and get into the car. It felt like 1000 pounds were attached to my body and were keeping me from doing the things I wanted to do. For some reason I couldn't really move any of my limbs, I had to have someone help me or I would fall to the ground and not be able to get back up.

After we arrived at my house
" Ok so do you guys want to watch a movie." "I vote Titanic or the Notebook" I said because I didn't want to watch something happy, I just wanted to cry, cry, and cry some more. We finally decided on the Titanic and I didn't feel like a man at all through the movie but it didn't matter. Even Jack cried so I felt a little better about myself. When we finally decided to go to bed, I slept on the bed with Mikey and Jack slept on the floor. During the night I heard something or someone outside but I assumed it was the wind outside.

A/N sorry for not posting in a while, I will try to be more frequent

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