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(This is like chapter 6 but in different point of views)

Rye's POV:
As I left the bathroom I saw Harvey walking into the bathroom and had a big smirk on his face. I decided to wait outside for about 5 minutes and Andy or Harvey didn't come out. I was beginning to worry about Andy, I decided to wait just a little bit longer but then I heard Andy scream for help then I heard him moan really loudly so I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. I tried to push the door open but it wouldn't budge.

Harvey's POV:
As I walked into the bathroom I saw Rye leaving so I decided to barricade the door so he couldn't get back. At first I was nervous but when I saw him I couldn't help but smirk at the thought of what I was about to do. I threw him against the wall and he winced in pain, I kinda felt bad but I also wanted him so badly. I picked him back up and kept him against the wall as I kissed his whole body, it felt so good to finally do this to him after all this time.

(Present time)
Andy's POV:
I was crying and screaming for help, but I don't think anyone can hear me down here. While Harvey was lifting my shirt up and tracing my stomach I heard a pounding on the door. "Help!Help!! I'm in here!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. I heard a voice that sounded like Rye, "Rye-help".... Harvey put his giant hands over my mouth to keep me from yelling. "If you tell anyone about this, you'll be sorry" Harvey sounded like he could kill me right now if he wanted to. He slowly pulled my skinny jeans off and started laughing at my donut boxers. If I knew I was going to be held against my will I would've wore just some plain black boxers but I didn't expect this. He started to pull down my boxers as I was screaming for him to stop but it wasn't very loud because he was stopping me from making to much noise. Just as he saw my whole body naked Rye broke straight through the door and ran towards me. He looked around trying to find Harvey but he had escaped through the window just in time. "Andy, what the heck happened here" Rye yelled at the top of his lungs. I couldn't say a word, I was frozen in fear. I was so scared I didn't even realize I was butt naked standing in front of Rye "Andy are you gonna fix your pants" I was terrified about what I had just shown Rye and if he liked it. No, he would never like that, he has a girlfriend for goodness sake. "Andy Andy what happened here!!" "I,I can't te-tell you" I stuttered. "What do you mean you can't tell me" I was scared and cold and all I needed was a Rye hug right now. "I think I'm just going to go home" I decided I couldn't handle the rest of the day. After 30 minutes of driving I arrived home and while I was walking to my house I felt like someone was following me the whole way there. "Harvey what are you doing here?"

Sorry if it's really bad but its 2:00am here and I'm super tired so sorry about that.

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