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A/N Band isn't together yet because they are in high school and Blair is Andy's dad. And Andy lives alone because he decided to move out alone

Andy's POV:

Ideas rolled through my head as I was thinking how to win Rye over. Until I thought of the best idea I'd ever had, the thought was to secretly challenge Eliza to a competition and the winner gets Rye. But as I thought about it more it seemed a little wrong to go behind his back to try to win him over. So I ditched that idea and thought of a new one, I would convince Harvey to make Rye jealous of me and him dating. I didn't want to date Harvey at all but it had to be done to win over Rye. (Still in little prison from being falsely accused of holding someone against their will.) The next day I woke up to see Blair standing outside the prison cell. I was so excited I jumped up and started dancing but then I saw his face and he did not look happy. Then I got scared of what he was thinking and going to say later. After Blair picked me up from the cell we drove home and all the way back he yelled at me for being so stupid. I didn't appreciate it at all but I know that I was falsely accused I just couldn't bring myself to blame Rye after all that had happened to him. When we arrived home I was greeted by my dog at the front door and she tackled me to the floor. "Where you been man, we've been missing you," Mikey said as he ran down the stairs nearly falling and tripping trying to get to me. "I've only been gone 2 days, I said." "You must be tired," said Blair. " Yeah I haven't slept at all," I lied "I'm just gonna go upstairs and sleep." They all nodded in agreement as I sprinted up the stairs, I wasn't going to sleep I was going to call Harvey.

On The Phone:

"So Harvey can I ask a huge favor".......

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