Not again

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Andy's POV: meeting dad

I walked into the building, where's Blair? I scanned the room at least 5 times. Looking everywhere for a trace of him. He was not on the right or the leffff....... I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Dad!! It was Harvey, "not going to lie I could get used to you calling me that." "Get lost Harvey, I'm dealing with a lot right now and you are just going to make it worse." "Oh but baby, I would just make your life a whole lot better. Come with me and I'll fix all your problems." That smirk deceived me last time. "Not again Harv, I can't trust you anymore after that one night." "I don't freakin care about what you want, it's only about what I want." Harvey was really starting to scare me now. He grabbed my wrist and tried leading me out of the restaurant. "Harvey STOP IT RIGHT NOW." "If you say one more word Andy you will be very sorry." Just as we were leaving we walked past Blair. "Dad, dad help me, he is taking me......" "Hey Blair we are just going to the movies. Right Andy?" "Help me Blair." Before I could think he punched Harvey straight in the jaw. "Let's go old man, I can go all day! Harvey then rammed Blair into the window and it smashed into his bald head. Blair was bleeding severely in his head now. "Yes, 911 I'm here at.......... please get here as quickly as you can." I heard some older lady calling the police on them. They were still fighting when the police got there 4 minutes later. Some people had tried to separate them, including me, but no one was successful. "Ahhhh my leg!" Harvey yelled at the top of his lungs. The dog had bitten him in his calf. That dog was my hero because Harvey finally got the pain he deserved after everything. "It's the police, get your hands up right now or your gonna get bit again!" Harvey put his hands up resentfully and they put cuffs on him to detain so he couldn't do anything more. "Is everyone ok here?" When the police man said that there were a lot of umm humms and yes's. "Who in here is related to either of these two?" Everyone took a step back and I took a step forward. "That one right there with the bald, bleeding, head, he's my dad. And that other one is the guy who assaulted me once and tried to take me against my will just a minute ago. That is what led to the fight Sir." "I believe you but I need to do more investigating before the decision is final. I'm going to send them two to the hospital, get them cleared, and if he is guilty he will be going away for attempted kidnapping. "Dad, since you're going to the hospital, can we talk there about Susan there." "Sure, I'll talk with you about her there."

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