Chapter 2

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The door opened and a group of people with a dark aura appeared.
Jisung looked up to the group, he only recognised one person; Minho. There were three other people beside him.

One had dark brown hair, he was the brightest of all. He was smiling constantly, he still had braces. There was a rather smaller boy as well, he had a very sharp jawline. The last boy had orange colored hair, he was holding the shorter boy's hand.

Jisung quickly looked at his desk, avoiding the other boys. They had a dark aura, scaring Jisung. He quickly grabbed his books and started to work on his homework. (A/N idk how detention works in other schools but you have to make homework here lol)

The teacher left the room without saying anything, but he locked the door behind him. Jisung kept on working, but the other boys obviously didn't. They started to walk around and talk loudly. Jisung was getting frustrated, clenching his fists.

The boy with orange hair noticed this and walked up to him. He pushed Jisung's books off his desk and sat down on it. Jisung looked up at him, rage in his eyes. He could handle a lot, but he cared about his schoolwork. He jumped up and made eye-contact with the boy.

"Why the fuck would you do that, you cunt?" Jisung hissed at him, causing the others to focus on him as well. The orange haired boy laughed at Jisung, he found it entertaining.

"Don't give me such a harsh tone, you piece of shit." Jisung was about to get hit when someone pushed the boy away. Minho was hanging over the orange haired boy, and looked furious.

"Stay off him, Felix." Minho said, punching Felix in his face. Suprisingly it didn't do a lot of damage, but enough to warn him. Minho turned to Jisung and glanced at him. Jisung's eye's kept switching between Minho and Felix, he was shocked at what just happened.

Minho wanted to say something, when the teacher unlocked the door. The bell rang, letting the students know they could go. Jisung quickly got his books, glanced at the group of boys one more time, and left.

Jisung was sitting in his appartment that night, looking for a job. Even though his parents told him they'd take care of everything, he wanted to have some extra money for nice things.

He was about to quit searching when he stumbled upon an interesting application.

'Looking for a cleaner, age doesn't matter. We pay double the amount of what you'd get at other jobs. Please call xxxxxxxx'

Jisung quickly grabbed his phone and called the number. He wasn't very well with conversations over the phone, but he knew this was important.

The lady asked if he could come to try out that same night. Jisung, being the person that he was, said yes. He wanted to show her he was willing to work at any time.

Jisung was on his way to the house he would hopefully work at. It was dark outside, so he didn't feel very safe. There had been multiple murders in his neigbourhood lately, but he still decided to go.

The door opened, Jisung bowed deeply while greeting the woman in front of him. He wanted to show her that he had good manners, and that he was polite.

Once he was inside he got to work. He had to clean up the house, and would get paid well for it. He was even allowed to wear his earbuds so he could listen to his music.

While he was dusting off some paintings he noticed how he recognised a boy, a certain boy with brown hair and dark brown eyes piercing through his soul.

He was looking at all the paintings when someone pushed him against a wall. He looked shocked, not knowing why it was happening to him.

"Who are you and why are you in my house?" Someone hissed at him with a deep voice. He quickly loosened his grip when he noticed who it was. Minho was still holding Jisung against a wall, but his facial expression got different.

"What are you doing here?" Minho asked while putting his head in Jisung's neck, breathing slowly. Jisung got flustered by the sudden change of Minho's behaviour.

"LEE MINHO LET GO OF HIM RIGHT NOW" Minho's mother screamed, quickly walking up to the two. She grabbed Minho by his ear and pulled him into an other room.

"You little shit, you're not allowed to feed off him! He's our cleaner okay!" His mom hissed at him, making sure Jisung wouldn't hear them. Minho just sighed as a response, not planning on harming Jisung in any way.

He shrugged his shoulders and walked out of the room. When he passed Jisung he smirked and winked at him. Jisung didn't know what to do, he still felt flustered at what just happened to him.

"Sweetie, I'm so sorry about that! Let me get you some tea so you can calm down." Minho's mother wrapped her arm around Jisung and brought him downstairs, not giving him the chance to say no.

"Please don't be too harsh on Minho hyung, ma'am. He didn't hurt me." Minho's mom looked suprised at the fact they already knew each other, she just slowly nodded and smiled as a response.

Jisung was chatting with Minho's mom while drinking his tea, when a man sat beside him. He looked at the man, he had brown hair like Minho, but almost red eyes.

He smirked while looking at Jisung's neck. Jisung gulped, he felt rather akward. He was trying to ignore the man's stare, so he kept on drinking his tea.

Suddenly Jisung was grabbed by his shoulders, feeling someone breath in his neck. He gasped at the sudden feeling from the man, not knowing what to do.
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Untill we meet again.

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