Chapter 12

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"I've got your beloved boyfriend."
Minho dropped his phone, shocked at what he heard. It was Hyeonjun, the stray they've walked into earlier. You could hear he was smirking, that he was planning on doing bad things with Jisung.

Minho didn't hesitate for a moment and ran out of his house, looking for his boyfriend. He knew Hyeonjun had always been revengeful, but this was too much. Minho ran to the woods, looking for their old hang out spot. Minho's assumption was right, he was there.

"You've found me" he said, rather suprised. Jisung was bound to a chair, his mouth taped off not allowing him to scream. He had blood all over his shirt and his face. He looked up to Minho with pain in his eyes. (A/N yo don't kill me)

"Let him go" Minho growled, his eyes turning bright red and he bared his teeth. Hyeonjun smirked when he noticed how mad he had made Minho, he enjoyed getting revenge.

"Oh, but he's so fun to torture! The pain in his eyes is so entertaining" he chuckled, looking at Jisung with crazy eyes. He forced the boy to look up to him by holding his chin, rubbing some blood off his cheek. He licked it off his fingers, knowing it pissed off Minho.

He was pushed to the ground in a second, Minho was hanging over him. He pierced his nails through Hyeonjun's shoulders, causing him to bleed. Hyeonjun was prepared for this to happen, and kicked him; he fell off him because of his sudden move.

Now Hyeonjun was the one on top. He was looking at Minho with an evil smirk, right before he punched the boy several times. Their fight went on, no one was winning. Jisung cried his eyes out, seeing his loved one in pain killed him.

Hyeonjun suddenly took a step back, bleeding from several places. He hadn't given up, but he knew he couldn't win with violence. He walked up to Jisung, who was still stuck on a chair, and laughed.

"What do you think would happen if I told others about your secret relationship? I have this strong feeling that your lovely boyfriend would be killed." He grabbed a knife out of his pockets and played with it for a moment. He suddenly held it against Jisung's neck, being able to slice his neck any second.

"I can just kill him for you, old buddy" but before he could actually do something, two other boys took him down. Felix and Changbin were attacking him. Minho ran up to Jisung, not wanting him to see a man get murdered.

"Jisung I'm so sorry" he cried out, slowly pulling the tape off his boyfriend's mouth. He felt so bad, because of him his boyfriend had to suffer, because of him he was bleeding. Blood.

Minho's gaze got cold when he noticed how his hands were covered in human blood. He hadn't eaten in more than two days and he was starving, he was craving Jisung's blood. Jisung got chills because of that cold gaze, he felt threatened.

"Minho hyung, maybe you should leave" Felix quietly stated, not wanting to see him bite Jisung and regret it later on. He snapped out of his thought and ran away, not wanting to harm his significant other.

"Come here, I'll help you" Felix said while untying him. Unlike Minho, he didn't crave Jisung's blood. He helped the boy to get up, but as soon as he did he fainted. He had several wounds, caused by Hyeonjun.

Jisung slowly opened his eyes, he heard faint 'beeps' next to him. When his eyes had gotten used to the bright light, he focussed on his surroundings. He was laying in a hospital bed, stuck to a machine. Next to him was a chair, someone was sitting in it, looking at his feet.


Minho looked up, his eyes swollen from crying. His wounds were already healed partly. His eyes were full of regrets and sorrow, but mostly filled with guilt. A doctor came in and noticed Jisung was awake. He walked up to the boy, interrupting their moment.

"Han Jisung, you are awake I see." Jisung just nodded as a reply, still not knowing why he was there. "It says here you fell out of a tree and passed out, is that true?"  He once again nodded as an answer, thinking back of what actually happened.

The doctor gave him some pain killers and told him he had to stay for the night. He refilled his infusion and left, leaving the boys alone again.

"I, it's getting late you should sleep" Minho softly stated while standing up. He hated seeing Jisung in pain, knowing it was his fault. Jisung hesitated for a second, but grabbed the end of his sleeve and pulled him back.

He didn't want to be alone, he didn't want to be without his boyfriend. He felt uncomfortable and scared in the hospital, but Minho being there made him feel more at ease.

"Please stay hyung, I, I don't want to be alone" he softly said, his voice still raspy from the fact he hadn't been awake for a long time. Minho smiled at him and sat back down, not wanting to leave his squirrel alone.

This book will soon come to an end🤙🏻😔
For my next au: would you rather have Minsung or Changlix??


Untill we meet again

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