Chapter 6

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They both looked up to the person who opened the door with shame.
Minho's mom stood there akwardly, not knowing what to do. She just saw how two boys fell on top of each other, meaning they were rather close before. She smiled at the idea of them together, making the two boys even more confused.

"Oh uhm, we're having dinner soon Minho" she said, waking up out of her fantasy. Minho, who was still on top of Jisung, nodded annoyed at her. He was making clear she should leave.

Once she left he stood up, and pulled Jisung with him. Minho looked at Jisung's neck, noticing how he had hickeys. He felt ashamed of what he did, but wasn't going to show that.

"I, uhm, I'm going downstairs now." Minho felt akward, not only with Jisung but also with his mother. She literally saw him on top of Jisung, how shamefull!

While Minho was downstairs, quietly enjoying his meal (just blood), Jisung was cleaning his room. Minho's room was a mess, he had clothes everywhere, his homework was spread all over the place and there were dirty dishes.

After a while, everything was cleaned up. His room looked neat again, it even had a fresh smell to it. Jisung noticed the time, it was 11pm already. He knew he had to go home and sleep, so he walked downstairs to ask for permission.

He akwardly walked into the living room, gaining everyone's attention. He scratched the back of his head, not enjoying it at all.

"Uhm, is it okay if I leave? I have a test tomorrow and I would like to sleep early" he asked softly, afraid of being given a harsh no. Minho's mom stood up and quickly agreed, she wouldn't want the 'maybe future husband' of her son to be tired and get bad grades.

"MINHO!" She yelled, trying to get her son's attention. He quickly looked at her, not knowing what he did wrong.

"Mom, I didn't do anything! I swear to you I am innocent" he was scared of what she was going to do. She'd only scream his name like that if he'd done something bad.

His mother chuckled. "I know sweetie, I just need you to bring our Jisungie home" she stated, not giving him any other choice. Even though she said it with a soft voice, she had a stern undertone. He nodded as a response and took Jisung out, not giving him a chance to protest.

Jisung, being the idiot that he is, forgot to bring a jacket. He was trying not to show it, but he was shaking of the cold weather. Minho had noticed this and quickly pulled off his vest and handed it to him. At first Jisung refused, but Minho was too dominant to win from.

Minho's vest was a tad oversized for Jisung, but it did keep him warm. Minho's skin was always cold, so it didn't bother him. He hadn't felt warmth ever since he was born, born as a cold hearted monster.

The two were walking to Jisung's appartment together, their arms intertwined. They were enjoying the peaceful moment when out of nowhere, a man appeared. It was the same man as before, and he was once again focussed on Jisung.

Minho quickly noticed this and got a firm grip of Jisung, protecting him from the man. They stared at each other, both wanting the same prey.

"I told you to leave him alone" Minho hissed with a low voice, getting frustrated with the man. The man on the other hand just chuckled, but suddenly looked at them with an evil smirk.

He ran up to the two, in abnormal speed. Minho quickly pushed Jisung aside and attacked the man. They were both fast and strong, but Minho was stronger. He kicked the man in his stomach, but recieved a painful punch back for it.

Their fight lasted for a few minutes, when the man suddenly pulled back. His wounds were too severe to fight, and he dissapeared again. Jisung ran up to Minho, scanning his body. He also had bleeding wounds and scratches.

Jisung was taking care of Minho. First the cut on his lip, and then he had to take care of the one on his stomach. Minho took his shirt off, revealing his fit body. Jisung couldn't help but stare at it.

"Are you enjoying the view princess?" Minho asked, obviously noticing the boy looking at his body. Jisung snapped out of his thoughts and looked up with burning cheeks. He shook his head for a moment and started to take care of the wound.

Minho wanted to get up, but felt a painful sting. He growled annoyed. Jisung noticed it and slowly pushed him back in his bed, making him lay down. He was worried about the boy's health.

"You're not going anymore, you're hurt. I will call your mother to explain it" without letting Minho refuse, he walked out of the room. He akwardly called his mother and explained it, luckily she understood it and thanked him for taking care of her son.

Jisung came back into the room and gave Minho q drink and painkillers. He'd let the boy sleep in his bed, and make the sofa his sleeping place. At least that was his plan, but Minho pulled him onto the bed. He wrapped his strong arms around the squirrel like boy and looked into his eyes.

Jisung was shocked at first, but calmed down quickly. He felt safe in the elder's grip, as if nothing could harm him. Minho pecked Jisung on his lips.

"Don't leave me, okay?"
Ain't that just cute
I'm actually making it less rushed than my other book like ain't that sum improvement heh

Who's your bias in skz?

Untill we meet again

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