Chapter 8

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"Jisung, you have to be kidding me right?"
Minho couldn't take it after fifteen minutes. He snatched the remote out of Jisung's hand and paused the movie. He was annoyed with how they portrayed vampires, like what made them think they'd turn into a whole ass discoball?

"You know Ji, vampires are very different than what you might think. It is true, they do enjoy blood and they are fast, but they don't shine in the sun. They also don't have weird powers." While he was saying that he got on top of Jisung, both his hands on a side of his head.

Minho smirked at the flustered boy, revealing his sharp teeth. He could feel how his heartbeat fastened and how his cheeks burned up. Minho bent down with his head and kissed the boy, turning it into an intense make out session.

The door bursts open.

Minho was suprised at the sudden bang, and fell of the bed. Jisung looked up to see who it was, and he was suprised. His parents decided to visit him, and saw him make out with a guy, nice.

"Hi, uhm, this is Minho and he, uhm, helps me with maths" Jisung stuttered, trying to make it seem innocent. His dad raised an eyebrow, but his mom was excited about it. She walked up to the boy, who was still on the floor, and helped him get up.

"I see Jisung likes you, so that means I like you as well" she smiled while putting an arm around his shoulder. He obviously felt uncomfortable, but tried hard not to show it.

"So uhm, how have you been?" Jisung asked, trying to distract his mom from Minho. It in fact worked because she quickly sat down next to him, excited to talk about everything that happened.

"So, when we were there the whole town was like totally dead like all the people were hiding inside their homes. We quickly got down to business and killed as many vamps as we could find."

Minho stiffened when he heard her say that, they were vampire hunters. He peeked at their bags and noticed how one was full with wooden daggers and silver crosses. He only found out about that, after he touched them. He quickly pulled his hand back, trying to hide the deep burn in his skin.

"I, uhm, I have to go now Jisung." He walked over to the door and left, not giving Jisung a chance to question it. He was running, running as far away as he could. As much as he loved Jisung, he couldn't come close to his parents. If they'd find out about him and his family, they'd all be killed.

He stopped running when he was in the park, nobody else was around. He screamed his lungs out, frustrated that even this time he couldn't be with his loved one. He never felt loved like this before, and now he had to give it up? If Jisung became a vampire hunter like his parents' it'd all be over for him.

He was screaming, his hands through his hair. Tears were starting to form in his eyes, when suddenly two arms wrapped around him. The two arms belonged to the person that could stop every bad feeling, they belonged to Jisung.

He turned around to face the boy, then hugged him tight. He couldn't just tell him why he was so upset, he couldn't just tell him he was a bloodsucker. He slowly pulled back and looked Jisung in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I, I'll explain it to you later okay?" Jisung nodded as a response, not wanting to force him to talk. Jisung softly pulled Minho with him to a bench, putting his head on his shoulder after sitting down.

"You know, Seungmin is throwing a party tonight. You should come, it'll be fun" Jisung insisted, wanting to make the boy happy. At first Minho didn't want to go because he didn't like Seungmin, but when he heard his friends, Changbin, Felix and Jeongin, were also there he agreed. Jeongin was Seungmin's boyfriend so it would make sense he was there.

It was 10pm, Jisung was already at Seungmin's house. He helped him to set everything up, and get enough alcohol. Seungmin's parents were gone that week, so he took his chance.

They were waiting for everyone to come. Slowly many people entered, filling up the rooms. Jisung was focussed on the door, waiting for one specific person. Right when he thought that he wouldn't show up, the door opened.

Minho walked in, together with Changbin and Felix. Minho was wearing a pair of ripped skinny jeans, a black shirt and a leather jacket. In Jisung's opinion, he looked cool and attractive. As soon as Minho noticed Jisung he walked up to him, greeting him with a short kiss.

Seungmin looked at the two with a disgusted look. He knew Jeongin was a vampire, and didn't mind that, but he did mind it with Minho. Before Jisung came Minho used to kill people, not because he was hungry but because he enjoyed seeing them in pain. That was one of the main reasons he was worried about Jisung.

"Jisung! It's time for shots my dude!" Seungmin walked up to him with a bottle and some glasses. He filled 2, knowing the others couldn't drink it. Jisung was confused at first but let it slide. He did one shot, and another one, untill the bottle was empty.

Jisung, who was rather drunk, walked up to Minho. He giggled, "I know what you are, hyung." Minho looked amused at the drunk boy, even if he said something that was true, no one would believe it.

"You" he poked Minho's chest, "are gay, for me." While saying me he pointed at himself. He was obviously not aware of his actions, the alcohol had taken over.

"That's right Ji, I am very gay for you."

I'm updating a lot wow ain't that just good hehh

I like doing these questions so euhmm is skz your ult, if not who is? Mine is def skz but it used to be bts :))

Untill we meet again

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