Chapter 14

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Minho opened the door and he saw a boy.
"ARE YOU OKAY MATE?" The unknown man made his way past Minho and ran up to Jisung. He was holding a filled bag, making Jisung curious.

"I'm fine Channie hyung" Jisung giggled while standing up. He gave the elder boy a hug while smiling. Minho felt a jealous feeling go through him.

"Ah, Minho hyung this is Chan. I used to have singing classes with him" he noticed how his boyfriend didn't like how close they were, so he pulled back out of the hug. Minho walked up to Chan and greeted him.

"Channie hyung, what's in that bag" he pointed at the overfilled bag. Chan smirked and walked to the kitchen. He took out a bunch of sealed boxes. Jisung was too curious so he followed him to the kitchen.

Chan opened a few boxes, they were filled with food. Chan knew exactly what Jisung liked and he made it all for him, in his kitchen. (A/N welcome >:)

"Ah thank you hyung!" Jisung once again hugged the boy. In the meanwhile Minho was standing in the living room. He felt jealous of how close his boyfriend was with Chan, but he enjoyed seeing Jisung so happy.

Chan was warming everything up for Jisung. He was preparing a nice meal for him, and sent Jisung back to the living room. Minho was still feeling jealous so he was being extra clingy. He pulled Jisung on his lap and kept giving him kisses, making sure it was clear Jisung was his.

"Jisung, I'm going again. Woojin will be very mad if I'm late at our date" he chuckled. Jisung got sad that Chan was leaving and wanted to stand up. He tried but Minho was holding him too tight. Chan smiled at the pair and let himself out, leaving the two boys alone again.

"Hyung, can you let me go please? I'm hungry" Jisung whined. He was looking at all the delicious foods Chan had prepared for him. Minho was still holding him on his lap, hugging him tightly.

"I will only let you go if you kiss me" he thought Jisung wouldn't do it. Even though they were in a relationship Jisung was still a shy boy. To his suprise Jisung did kiss him, he was prepared to do anything for his food. Minho was so suprised that his grip loosened and Jisung escaped.

He quickly started eating. Stuffing his squirrel like cheeks with food made Minho chuckle. He loved the fact his boyfriend ate well and enjoyed it. He stood up and took a seat next to him.

"Try this hyung" Jisung held a piece of chicken in front of Minho's mouth. He forgot Minho couldn't have human food. As soon as he remembered he slowly lowered his hand.

"Oops, sorry hyung" he softly chuckled. Minho didn't really mind it, he just enjoyed seeing Jisung eat. He pulled him on his lap again, feeling protective over his boyfriend. Even though he knew that Chan guy wasn't interested in him, he still felt rather jealous.

"I don't want to go to school tomorrow" Jisung sighed, laying on his bed. Minho was sitting on his desk chair and looked amused at him. His boyfriend would always be the most adorable human being ever.

"Then say that you're still recovering" he suggested, knowing Jisung wouldn't just skip classes. He quickly shook his head as an answer, he didn't want to miss class unless he didn't have another chance.

"We should make homework" Jisung got up and grabbed a few books. He wasn't paying full attention and a note slipped out. When he noticed he quickly wanted to grab it, but Minho was quicker.

"Ji, what's this?" Minho looked at the paper that fell out of Jisung's book. Two boys were portraid on it. One was holding the other, the one being held had two holes in his neck with drips of blood coming out. Jisung snatched the paper out of Minho's hand and tore it apart.

"That's nothing" he said while throwing the pieces of paper in the bin. Minho nodded as an answer but his thoughts drifted away. The vampire on the drawing looked like him, and the boy that was bitten looked like Jisung.

Would that mean he wanted to be a vampire?
Okay so I'm on holiday now so I won't update that often ㅠㅠ
Anyway I made Channie appear aye aye

Untill we meet again~

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