Chapter 16

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"Jisung, do you want to be a vampire?"
- (drop the UwU's)
Jisung's eyes widened at Minho's abrupt question. He wanted to scream yes, but a voice inside of him still refused. That tiny voice didn't want to live off human blood, it wanted to enjoy human things.

"Hello, Ji are you there?" Minho waved his hand in front of Jisung's blurred vision. He quickly snapped out of his thoughts and smiled at him. Minho repeated his question, making Jisung focus on him.

"I would love to be one yes, but only if it meant I could be with you forever" Jisung felt cheesy saying it, but didn't regret it. Minho melted inside from the way his boyfriend spoke to him.

"I'll pick you up at 7!" Minho suddenly stood up and walked to the door, leaving Jisung confused. He was starting to doubt his answer, when he noticed the time. It was already 6, which meant he only had an hour left to get ready.

Because he didn't know where they were going he went with a casual outfit. He was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans and a red croptop, along with a pair of blocked Vans. (A/N fr I need this)

The doorbell rang. Jisung took a deep breath and walked to the door, only to face his boyfriend who was holding a bunch of red roses. He smiled from behind them, giving Jisung a warm feeling.

Minho gave the roses to Jisung and before he could ask anything, he grabbed his wrist and pulled him to his car. Minho had everything planned out, and Jisung was super curious about what was going to happen.

"Hyung, can you please tell me where we're going?" He whined, pouting at his driving boyfriend. Minho only responded with a simple no, refusing to look at his adorable squirrel.

"We're here" Minho smiled while parking the car. Jisung quickly looked out of his window, only to be faced with a fancy dining place. It had a French name that Jisung couldn't pronounce, but it looked good.

"Table for two, name Lee Minho." Jisung was looking around with big eyes, he felt like he wasn't wearing something suitable. Everyone was dressed in suits and dresses but he was wearing a red croptop. The waiter brought Minho and Jisung to their table.

"Hyung, this is like super expensive" Jisung gasped while switching between his boyfriend and the menu. He didn't like it when people spend money on him, it made him feel guilty and unworthy of it.

"Just order whatever you want Ji, I want your last meal to be special" his last sentence was spoken silently, so no one but Jisung could hear it. Even though Minho told him not to, he chose the cheapest meal they had.

"Pasta carbonara for you" the waiter put the plate down with the deliciously smelling dish. "And just a coffee for you" he said with a questioning tone, putting down the cup. Minho smiled and thanked him, right before focussing on his boyfriend.

"Enjoy your meal" Minho said with a loving tone in his voice. Jisung nodded excitedly at him and started eating. His squirrel like cheeks were filled with food, food he enjoyed a lot. He was even urged to lick the plate, but decided not to.

"Hyung, let me pay!" Jisung tried to put his card on the counter, but Minho kept blocking his way. He giggled while shaking his head, refusing to let Jisung pay.

Minho took Jisung to his car again. He didn't tell him where they were going, and this time Jisung gave up after a few tries. He trusted his boyfriend's choices. The car suddenly stopped and Minho turned to Jisung.

"Here" he said while holding a blindfold, suggesting that Jisung should put it on. He looked confused and started thinking weirdly, what kind of roleplay was this? Minho wasn't patient enough so tied the blindfold around his eyes and pulled him out of the car.

He was leading him, making sure he wouldn't get hurt. Once in a while he'd step on a leafe or a branch, those sudden sounds made Jisung jump up. Minho loved how adorable his boyfriend reacted. 

"Climb on my back." Jisung was hesitant at first but decided to listen, after all he couldn't see anything. He jumped on Minho's back, clinging onto him like a monkey. Minho giggled at the behaviour of his boyfriend.

He slowly put Jisung down, making him sit down on a branch. He slowly untied his blindfold. Jisung was greeted with a beautiful view. He was sitting on a branch, high in a tree. His view showed hills and many trees, it was finished off with a sky full of stars and a shining full moon.

"Are you ready Jisung?"
Here's an UwU Xmas present for youuuu
I'll try to update as quick as possible I swear!1!1!1

Untill we meet again~

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