Chapter 5

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He was starting to feel happier when he was with the squirrel like boy.

Once he got home, Minho couldn't stop thinking of what Jisung said earlier. Knowing the boy liked vampires made his heart flutter. He couldn't tell him sadly, even though the temptation was really big.

"Minho, idiot. What are you being so happy about?" His mother snapped him out of his thoughts. He looked at her for a second without knowing what to say. He couldn't just be like 'yo mom I might like this random human that also happens to work here, can I bite him?'

"I, uhm, I got a good grade for my History." That was a lie, he failed history. As a response she smiled at him and nodded, feeling proud of her son. He hated lying to her but he knew he didn't have an other way right now.

Minho was sitting on the sofa, drinking blood. At home he didn't have to hide it which made him feel more at ease. A lot of people didn't know about vampires, and the ones that did were hunters. Vampires were seen as monsters, cold killers. They were often put in drama's to make it seem like they're nice.

While Minho was drowned in his thoughts, someone knocked on the door. The sound make him wake up out of his thoughts. He thought it might be his dad, so he went up to the door; still holding a glass of blood.

The door opened and he was faced with Jisung, who smiled brightly when he noticed Minho. He was shocked by the boys expression at first but quickly smiled back, feeling a wave of comfort go through him.

"Jisung, what are you doing here?" The boy was obviously confused, he didn't know why Jisung would come to his house. He was about to answer Minho when he noticed the thick red liquer in Minho's hand.

"Hyung, what is that?" He asked while pointing at the glass, suspecting many things. Jisung has read and watched a lot of vampire content, he was obsessed with them. He loved how mysterious they were and loved everything that involved them.

"That's, that's just some juice" Minho said with an akward smile, instantly regretting being so careless. Sadly for Minho, Jisung didn't take that answer. He knew something was off.

He wanted to quickly grab the glass, but Minho's reflexes were way faster. He grabbed his wrist and pinned him against the door, smirking at his akward blush. He knew it made him feel nervous, he could hear Jisung's heartbeat quicken.

"That's not very nice of you, princess" he said while bringing his head closer. Jisung didn't do anything to stop it, he just let it all happen to him. Minho was staring at his neck, the temptation to bite it and suck his blood was big. He knew he had to control his hunger, but he didn't know if he could.

Jisung was starting to feel weird when Minho kept looking at his neck. To distract the boy he pecked him on his nose, leaving him shocked. Because of that sudden move, he let go of Jisung's wrist.

"Ah Jisung! I see you came, I'm glad" his mother noticed the situation and smirked for a moment. She walked up to him and put her arm around his shoulder, slowly pulling him away from Minho. She could notice that he was craving human blood, and Jisung would be his target.

Jisung was cleaning, doing as he was told. He was listening to loud music so he didn't hear anything that was happening around him. He noticed a door that was slightly opened, the room looked rather messy. He slowly walked up to it and opened it further, suddenly being confronted by Minho.

He was laying on his bed, watching something on his laptop. When he looked up and noticed Jisung he couldn't helpt but smile a little. The younger was starting to make him feel things, and he thought he might have a little crush. Sadly it was forbidden for vampires to date with humans, so it would be hopeless love.

"Ah, I'm sorry mister Lee" he said while slightly bowing. Since he worked there officialy he had to adress them with mister and ma'am. He felt akward calling Minho mister because he wasn't that much older. Minho looked suprised at how formal Jisung suddenly got towards him.

Jisung was about to close his door when Minho quickly jumped up and took a hold of his arm. He didn't want the boy to go. He pulled him back in his room and closed the door behind him. Putting both of his arms next to Jisung he looked into his eyes.

"M-mister Lee, what, what are you d-doing?" Jisung did his best to ask with a normal voice, but it didn't work out. The elder was intimidating him, but not in a bad way. He felt how his cheeks were starting to burn.

"Revenge" he said right before kissing the boy on his lips. Minho always wanted to prove that he was the dominant one, even now. Jisung was shocked at first but quickly joined in.

Their movements were slow at first but quickly got faster. Minho asked for permission and Jisung gave it to him, making their kiss even more heated. He made his way down to his neck and started to place several hickey's.

Their kiss got interrupted when someone opened the door, causing Jisung, who was still leaning against it, to fall over with Minho on top of him. They both looked up to the person who opened the door with shame.

This issa smut free story don't worry my dudes

Anyway ahh I hope you're still enjoying this story, I honestly couldn't find any vampire minsung fics ㅠㅠ so I decided to make this one hehe

Anyway please vote if you did enjoy it

Untill we meet again

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