Chapter 13

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Both the boys looked up to see Jisung's mom. She had worry in her eyes, but also rage. She thought it was Minho's fault, she thought he was the one that caused him to be harmed. Jisung noticed how angry his mom was.

"Mom, I'm fine don't worry. It would've been a lot worse if Minho didn't bring me here" he said, looking thankful at the boy next to him. He wanted his mom to let them stay together.

"Jisung, you either stay with that filthy blood sucker or you're going to live with us again" she said without showing any emotion. In her eyes, vampires were bad and only caused harm, she didn't accept her son to date one.

"Uhm, bye mom!" Jisung dramatically waved at his mother. She was shocked at first, but eventually left. Minho chuckled at how the boy reacted. His chuckle slowly faded away when he came to the realisation that Jisung left his family, for him.

"Ji, are you sure this is what you want?" He asked carefuly. He felt amazing because his boyfriend chose him, but he didn't like the idea of him leaving his family. He didn't want to be the cause of his sadness.

"Ofcourse I am! They always act amazing but they're never home anyway" Jisung nodded. He would miss his parents, but truth was that they were never home. They were always busy with their jobs, he wouldn't miss them too much.

A nurse came into the room. She had long blonde hair, and she was wearing a lot of make up; she was wearing too much make up in Minho's opinion. Her blouse had a low cut, making her bresticles show.

"Hey sweetie, I'm going to give you your last set of pain killers and then you should sleep" she was speaking with a soft, seducing voice. Jisung felt akward and Minho got annoyed, he couldn't stand sluts.

"Yes thank you, I'll help him, you can leave now" Minho grumbled while snatching the cup out of her hands. He didn't like her touching his boyfriend with those intentions.

Jisung didn't say anything but looked at the two discussing; the nurse didn't want to let Minho take care of Jisung. Minho was possesive over Jisung, he wanted to keep his boyfriend for himself. Eventually Minho won the argument and the nurse left.

"Here, take these" Minho gave Jisung his painkillers and a glass of water. He watched him carefuly while he swallowed his meds.

"You should sleep Ji, if you feel good tomorrow you can go home." Minho slowly pushed him down, making him lay on his back. He tucked him in and kissed him on his forehead. Minho took a seat in a chair next to Jisung's bed, not wanting to leave his side.

Jisung couldn't get comfortable in the hospital bed. Everytime he turned around the blanket made a lot of noise, and he was cold. Minho noticed how uncomfortable Jisung was and stood up. He layed down next to him and pulled him in his arms.

"Goodnight, Jisung" he once again kissed his forehead. Jisung already felt more comfortable in his boyfriend's grip. He quickly fell asleep in Minho's loving arms.

Minho was looking at Jisung, unable to sleep. He had a stitched up cut on his eyebrow, and his lip had a recovering cut. He felt a wave of guilt crash over him, feeling like everything was his fault. His worries washed away when Jisung snuggled up to Minho while sleeping.


"Wake up hoes" Felix burst into the room, looking at the sleeping boys. Minho woke up but Jisung was still asleep, his meds made him more tired than normal. Minho glanced at him with cold eyes, making it very clear he shouldn't disturb Jisung.

"YO" Changbin entered the room as well, louder than Felix. This time Jisung did wake up from the noise. He slowly opened his eyes, still feeling tired. When he looked up and saw Changbin and Felix his eyes widened. He didn't expect them to be there.

"I, uhm, heh sorry Minho hyung" Felix said anxiously, afraid of Minho's cold glare. He slowly left the room again, pulling Changbin with him.

After they left Jisung changed into his own clothes; with his own clothes he meant Minho's hoodie. The nurse was being too flirty with Jisung in Minho's opinion, but he got discharged.

"Minho hyung, I can take care of myself!" Jisung was trying to cook ramen but Minho stopped him. He was worried he might hurt himself, so he didn't allow the boy to do anything but watch TV.

"Sit your ass down young man, I will take care of you" he made Jisung sit down and walked back to the kitchen. He never ate human food, but he knew how to make it. He was preparing some ramen when the doorbell rang.

Before Jisung could walk up to the door Minho gave him a stern glance. Jisung sighed while sitting back comfortably. Minho opened the door and saw a boy.

Untill we meet again~

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