Chapter 10

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"Jisung, I need to tell you something."
Jisung looked up from his cake, curious on what he was talking about. Minho wasn't planning on telling him when they were in public. He suddenly stood up and pulled Jisung outside. Jisung was acting dramatic because he hadn't finished his cake yet.

Minho kept on walking, untill they were at the park. There were a few kids playing, so he kept his distance. His heart was beating fast, not feeling confident in exposing his secret. He turned to face Jisung, and looked directly into his eyes.

"Ji, I like you a lot, but I'm afraid of you getting hurt. I'm different than you are, and I don't want you to be in danger" he said quietly, anxious of Jisung's answer. Instead of giving Minho a proper answer, Jisung pecked the boy on his lips and smiled.

"Minho hyung! I like you a lot as well! I'm not sure what you mean with different, but I'm not in danger!" He felt nervous for exposing his feelings, but he was glad he did.

"Ah Jisung! Would you, would you be my boyfriend?" Minho asked shyly, stumbling over his own words. He usually didn't feel nervous, but now he did.

Jisung didn't hesitate at all and hugged him tight. "Yes hyung" he said while burrying his head in his chest, feeling comfortable in his boyfriend's grip.

They entered Seungmin's house, holding hands. Everyone else was sitting at the table, some were eating and some were obviously dealing with a hangover. It suprised Minho that Jisung didn't complain about his.

As soon as Felix noticed them holding hands, he jumped up. "I TOLD Y'ALL, OPERATION MINSUNG IS A SUCCES!" He yelled while pointing at Changbin and Jeongin, who were obviously suprised. The only one who wasn't very happy was Seungmin, he was worried about Jisung.

Minho took Jisung upstairs, away from everyone else. He closed the door behind him, confusing Jisung. His heart was beating fast, not knowing what was going to happen.

"Get your stuff, I want to tell my mom about this" he grinned, knowing he had made Jisung nervous for no reason. He still had the same effect on him as he had on the first day, and he enjoyed it.

"Can you, let my boyfriend like, go?" Minho asked. His mom was hugging Jisung tightly because she was so happy. She also knew they weren't allowed to be together, but didn't give a flying fuck.

"Oh yeah, sorry" she smiled, letting go of the boy. He took a step closer to Minho, leaning against him. His mom left, even though she loved seeing them spend time together.

Minho pulled Jisung to his room. He pushed him down on the bed and jumped next to him, getting his laptop. He put on a horror film, hoping Jisung would find it scary. His plan did indeed work, Jisung was frightened and clinged onto him the whole movie.

"Minho hyung, I think I should head home now" Jisung quietly stated. Minho didn't want to let him go, and he was obviously still scared from the movie. He hugged Jisung tight, refusing to let him go.

"You're staying tonight, okay?" He had the same stern tone in his voice as his mom, not allowing you to say no. Jisung nodded and burried his head in Minho's chest, listening to his calming heartbeat.

Everything seemed fine, but there was one problem; Minho's family didn't eat human food. They had some spare noodles for when someone dropped by, but they couldn't just all sip their blood and stare at Jisung, craving real human blood. (A/N they drink that fake shit but it's still less satisfying yknow)

"Jisung, do you want to go and get Macdonald's?" He slowly got up, not wanting to push Jisung away. He went back a little and looked at the elder, he nodded happily; he loved going there.

They were in Minho's car, on their way to the nearest Mac. Jisung was singing along with the radio, even nailing every rap. He hit every high note, amazing Minho. He could listen to his voice all day, but they arrived at the place.

"I want, uhm, twenty chicken nuggets with sweet and sour sauce, and a big strawberry milkshake." Jisung ordered a menu, but Minho only got a cheeseburger. He wasn't planning on eating it so it'd be a waste to get a lot.

When they sat down Jisung was enjoying his food, and Minho was looking at him with an amused expression. They were in peace, untill someone sat next to them. They both looked up to see who it was.

"Hey bitches" Felix said while looking at them, he hadn't ordered anything but he craved it ever since he was bitten. He would come by once in a while, just to stare at the unhealthy burgers, knowing he could never taste them again.

Minho let out a deep sigh, annoyed by the boy's presence. He wanted to spend time with Jisung, and Jisung only. He fake smiled at Felix and greeted him. Jisung smiled brightly at him, a legit smile.

The three of them were chatting about school, and how their love life was going. Everything was fine, until someone yelled.

Okay dis is like 900 words instead of 1000 dang I'm sorry ;-;
Have y'all seen skz at mama?? Like holy shitballs they looked so gOoOd

Untill we meet again~

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