Chapter 4

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He shouldn't care about Jisung that much anyway.

Jisung opened his eyes, still feeling tired from the night before. He grumbled when the bright light escaped from his curtain. Turning around to avoid the bright light, he noticed his alarm clock.


Jisung looked at it, panic rising withing him. It was only his second day, he couldn't be late! He quickly jumped out of bed and got dressed, he didn't have time to brush his hair. He was wearing a big hoodie and black jeans, finished with messy morning hair.

When he got to school it was lunchbreak, he cursed at himself for being so late. It meant he had detention again. He was looking around the place, looking for a specific boy. He sadly couldn't find him, so he decided to watch the rest of his Kdrama.

Meanwhile Minho and his friends were sitting outside, avoiding people. All of them didn't eat human food, they lived of only blood. He was sitting with two couples, Changbin with Felix, and Jeongin with Seungmin.

Jeongin and Changbin were born as vampires, just like Minho. Felix was the only one who got bitten, he was bitten by Changbin. Seungmin hadn't been bitten yet, but he knew about vampires. Changbin and Felix had been dating for two years, ever since the boy came from Australia.

Minho was jealous of the two couples, they were actually in love. He on the other hand wasn't in a relationship. He wanted to find himself a partner, but he had to stick to a tradition. The tradition that he marries with the daughter of some other family. He couldn't care less about her.

"Oi Minho hyung, why'd you punch me the other day? It's not like you care about that bitch, right?"

Minho turned to face Felix, he smiled at him. Not a soft comforting smile, no, a threatning smile that creeps you out. Felix just slowly nodded, knowing Minho would always be stronger than him.

Minho and Jisung had PE together. While the teacher was explaining the game, Jisung couldn't help but look at Minho. His muscles were showing in his sports outfit, capturing Jisung's attention.

They had to do a warming up before the game started, 10 times around the field. Jisung didn't eat breakfast nor did he eat lunch, so he didn't have a lot of energy. Being the person that he was, he kept on pushing himself. He was running ahead of most people, and didn't want to stop.

Everything in front of his eyes became pitch black, all the noise around him slowly faded away. He could feel how all the strength he had left his body, how he collapsed. The last thing he remembered was Minho running up to him, yelling out his name. (A/N this is my experience w passing out due to lack of food lmao idk if it's the same for everyone)

"Is he, is he okay?"

"He'll be fine soon, don't worry."

Jisung slowly opened his eyes, but quickly closed them again when the bright light entered his vision. He tried again, giving his eyes the time to adjust to the light. When he looked beside him, he saw a concerned Minho and the school doctor.

"Oh, you're awake" she smiled at him, helping him to sit up straight. She put down a sugary drink and a piece of cheesecake on the table next to him.

"You should eat, your blood sugar level is low. If you don't eat properly, your body doesn't have enough power to move, and you will pass out. Luckily your friend brought you here on time."

Jisung nodded at her, not knowing what to answer. The school doctor excused herself and left the room, leaving both the boys alone. There was an akward silence between the two, but it was broken by Minho.

"Are you okay Ji? Here you should eat something." He grabbed held a fork in front of Jisung's mouth, with a piece of cheesecake on it. Jisung obeyed him and opened his mouth, letting Minho feed him. (A/N don't take this the wrong way it's supposed to be cute🤧)

"Thank you for bringing me here, hyung" Jisung said quietly, avoiding eye-contact with the elder. Everytime he saw Minho's glance he got goosebumps all over his body, as if the boy enchanted him.

The bell rang.

"Hyung, you should go to class" Jisung said to the elder, worrying about him getting detention because of his passing out. Minho just giggled as response and shook his head, he refused to leave the weak boy alone.

After Jisung finished his food, the woman let him go. He and Minho decided they'd wait till the next class, it wasn't useful to barge in during class.

While Minho was smiling at Jisung, he noticed something. Minho's teeth were sharper than average, they looked sharp enough to cut someone. They reminded him of vampire teeth, like he had seen in films.

Jisung always read vampire books, he was interested in them. He knew they weren't real, but he could still dream they were. If vampires were real, he would want to be one. To live without limits, being able to stay awake the whole time, to live forever, to feel free.

Minho noticed how Jisung was staring at his teeth. He was starting to feel insecure, he had never liked them. What if it was too obvious? He'd be killed! He looked at the starting boy with an amused smirk and a raised eyebrow, capturing his full attention.

"Ah hyung! I, uhm" Jisung stuttered, feeling akward. "Did you know your teeth look like vampire teeth? That's really cool you know!"

Minho was shocked at the boy's assumption. As a response he just nodded at the boy and smiled, for once feeling less insecure. He liked the idea of not being judged about it, but admired. He was starting to feel happier when he was with the squirrel like boy.

Okay lol shameless but if you don't know, I have a finished Minsung fanfic on this account sooo if u wanna read that :))

Anyway I hope you enjoy this story so far, please vote if you do.

Untill we meet again~

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