Chapter 9

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"That's right Ji, I am very gay for you."
The boy woke up, his head beating loudly. He felt something warm against his back and turned around. He was shocked when he saw Felix lying next to him.

He jumped up and ran out of the room, not taking the time to put on a shirt. While was running down the stairs he slipped, and fell. He cursed at himself. Two strong hands pulled him back up, they belonged to Minho.

His smile quickly turned into a frown when he noticed Jisung had hickeys in his neck, even bite marks. He took a step closer, clenching his fists.

"Jisung, who did that?" He pointed at the boy's neck, it was obvious he wasn't aware of what happened. Jisung didn't know what he was talking about so walked up to the nearest mirror. His jaw dropped at the sight of his neck, filled with purple stains and two holes.

"I, I don't remember anymore. I did just wake up, with uhm, Felix lying next to me" the last sentence came out softly. He didn't understand what happened, and why. Jisung turned around to face Minho, but he was already making his way to Felix.

"LEE FELIX, I WILL ACTUALLY KILL YOU" Minho screamed while jumping on the bed. The boy woke up with his eyes wide open, not knowing what had happened. Before he could say anything he recieved several punches in his face.

Seungmin stood in the door opening, confused why the two were fighting. When he noticed Jisung's neck he figured it out, and also jumped on Felix. Minho looked confused when Seungmin punched Felix but didn't stop him.

"Hey! Stop, let him explain!" Jisung yelled sternly. The two boys didn't want to, but did so because they cared about Jisung. Seungmin stood next to the bed and Minho walked up to Jisung, wrapping his arms around his waist.

"Jesus fucking christ u idiots, I didn't even do anything. He sat up straight, his eye starting to become blue. Jisung noticed this and ran out of the room to get him something cold.

"But why does he have bitemarks then?" Minho hissed at him, making sure nobody else could hear him. Felix shrugged his shoulder as an answer, he didn't know either. The poor boy just woke up next to Jisung and hadn't done anything.

"I do remember seeing Sakiya with him yesterday, she could've bitten him right? It wasn't deep tho because otherwise he'd already be one of us now."

Jisung came into the room with a block of ice, wrapped in a towel. He walked up to Felix and carefully held it against his blue eye. Minho looked at the scene in front of him and growled, feeling jealous.

He left the room, looking for Sakiya. It would make sense if she'd done it, she hated Minho. She had liked him, but he never liked her back. In his opinion she was a filthy slut and a shame to vampires. She would turn anyone into a vampire she thought was attractive.

"SAKIYA" he burst into a room. She looked up from her phone, smirking. She walked up to him and caressed his cheek. She thought the wrong things.

"Don't touch me u filthy hoe" he slapped her hand away while making a disgusted face. She rolled her eyes, still convinced he liked her back but was playing hard to get.

"Did you do anything to Jisung last night?" He tried his best to stay calm, to not snap her neck. She chuckled while making eye contact.

"You can't blame me Minmin, he's just so adorable! His blood, his blood tastes amazing" she giggled, enjoying how annoyed he got. Hearing that she in fact did suck his blood made him furious. He got a hold of her hand, and snapped it. He broke her arm.

She screamed it out, pain filling her body. He would hurt her even more, but it would give him a lot of trouble. She was in fact quite important in the vampire world, just like him. He enjoyed her pain, he enjoyed how he controled her feelings.

Jisung ran into the room, followed by a bunch of girls. They quickly ran up to her, obeying her. Minho slowly pulled Jisung out of the room, he didn't want him to know what he did.

"Jisung, don't ever leave my side again okay?" Minho asked while looking in his eyes, showing how concerned he was. Jisung's voice wasn't loud enough to be heard over the girl her screams, so he nodded with a soft smile.

Minho slowly pulled Jisung with him out of the house. He couldn't stand her annoying ass crying the whole time, it was fun and entertaining for a moment but he had his limits. Minho took Jisung to the closest starbucks. He ordered a coffee, and Jisung chose hot chocolate milk.

He secretly also ordered a piece of cake, because he knew how much Jisung loved it. He put it down in front of him, seeing how excited the boy got made him smile. He wasn't planning on drinking his coffee, but it would be weird if he didn't get anything.

"Ji, I'm sorry about last night. I'm sorry that I left you alone, and I'm sorry she did that to you."

"It's fine hyung, don't worry. You made it all up to me with this cake" he smiled while stuffing another peace in his mouth, causing his cheeks to get even more squirrel like.

"Jisung, I need to tell you something."

Oh god ain't I nice, two chapters in one day dang

Hehehheh :)) thank you for reading

Untill we meet again

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