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Minho and Jisung were walking in a dark forest, the moon bringing them a ray of light. Their hands intertwined while they were paying attention to their children.

Katie gladly offered to be the biological mother of their children. They had a boy and a girl, just as Minho pictured it. Their life was pretty stable, Minho's mom had always been supportive over their relationship.

"Don't go too far honey" Jisung softly yelled at his daughter, who was running around. She had two ponytails and she was wearing a cute dress. Their son however was climbing in trees, making his clothes dirty.

A few feet behind them were Katie and her wife. Her father had tried to get her back, and kill her significant other, but he failed; she had killed him protecting her girlfriend. She was pregnant of her own child and happily married.

As for Jisung's parents, when they found he was a vampire they were shocked. They don't see him as their son anymore but as a threat, but Jisung doesn't care. He was happy with his husband and children.

Minho and Jisung took a seat on a bench. They were watching their children lose their energy, smiling at how precious they looked. Jisung leaned his head on Minho's neck. Minho kissed his head as a response, still making Jisung blush.

"Dad" both the boys looked up, "I fell and my knee is bleeding" their daughter pouted while pointing at her barely scraped knee. Minho pulled her on his lap and grabbed a plaster with comic characters on it, and placed it on her wound.

"All better now honey?" He asked right after kissing her hurting knee. She nodded while smiling brightly, jumping off of his lap. She ran up to her brother and started running around with him.

Minho chuckled at the sight of their children, they were so hyper. He thought back off the day he bit Jisung, it was in a tree near them. It was the best thing he had ever done, knowing he could stay together with him forever.

His thoughts then flashed back to their marriage, it was amazing. They were both dressed in white, flowers everywhere. He felt so happy when Jisung officialy became his.

"I think we should go baby, it's getting late" Minho said while wrapping his arm around Jisung's waist. He quickly pecked the boy before calling their children.

They were walking home, as a happy family.
Read the next part please~

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