Chapter 7

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"Don't leave me, okay?"
Minho woke up, facing a sleeping Jisung. His arms were still wrapped around the boy and he was sleeping. Minho was studying his facial features; his hair that was a tad messy because of his sleep, his slightly chubby cheeks which reminded him of a squirrel and his beautiful soft lips.

Minho was busy with looking at every detail, when Jisung slowly opened his eyes. At first he was suprised to see Minho's face, staring at him with big eyes. He quickly calmed down when he realised what the case was.

"Morning, hyung" Jisung said with a raspy morning voice, giving the elder a soft smile. Minho loved that smile, it made his heart melt, it made him actually feel like he wasn't a cold murderer for once.

"I'm going to take a shower real quick" he made his way out of Minho's strong grip and left the room. Minho got up and looked around the place. The room wasn't too neat but it wasn't as messy as his, and his shelfs were full off books.

He took a step closer, scanning over all the books, and apparently dvd's. He was suprised when he noticed one theme going on, vampires. He had noticed that Jisung liked vampire teeth, but he wouldn't have thought he liked them so much. There were over a hundred books!

Minho was looking around when suddenly a phone rang, it was Jisung's. He walked over and looked who it was.

'Filthy vampire hater aka dad🤙🏻🤪'

Minho chuckled at the name and declined the call. Jisung entered the room, right when Minho was holding his phone. He looked confused, not knowing why the boy was holding his phone.

Minho on the other hand wasn't paying attention to that, he was giving his full attention to Jisung. He was only wearing a towel around his waist, revealing his fit body. Minho put down the phone and walked up to him, pinning him against a wall.

"You're looking good, princess" he said while placing his head in Jisung's neck. His slow but heavy breathing gave the younger chills. Minho pulled back and pecked the boy on his nose. Jisung looked suprised at the sudden softness, making Minho chuckle.

Both the boys walked into school, Minho held his arm around Jisung's waist. They walked to school together that day. When they entered, Felix and Changbin looked confused. They walked up to the two.

"Hyung, why are you holding that dumb bitch?" Felix asked, pointing at Jisung with a disgusted looked. Minho wasn't having any of it and walked past them, pulling Jisung with him.

"Hyung" Jisung pulled Minho's sleeve, "what do they have against me?" Jisung was insecure, and Felix's behaviour didn't help.

"They're just dumb fucks." He growled, obviously annoyed by his behaviour. Ofcourse he knew he wasn't even allowed to date a human, but he wasn't going to give up. Minho pulled Jisung closer, when someone suddenly pushed him against the floor.

"HEY, DON'T TOUCH JISUNG U FILTHY FUCK!" The angry voice belonged to Seungmin, who was rather worried about his friend. Minho and Seungmin didn't like each other. Seungmin knew about his secret, and hated vampires.

Minho quickly got up and wanted to hit Seungmin, but Jisung jumped in front of him. As much as he didn't like what Seungmin just did, he needed to protect his friend.

"Jisung" Minho frowned, annoyed he couldn't hit the boy back. He wanted to say something, but the bell cut him off. Seungmin quickly pulled Jisung with him to class, not giving him a chance to say goodbye.

Once they settled down in class Seungmin glared at Jisung, needing information.

"Spill the tea, sis" Seungmin said, totally ignoring the teacher. Jisung hesitated for a moment, but then explained the whole story. He even confessed he might have a crush on Minho.

"HAN JISUNG! DETENTION" the teacher yelled, once again annoyed by the talkative boy. He let Seungmin go, still biasing him over the rest.

"Jisung" Seungmin whispered at the annoyed boy, "you shouldn't hang out with Minho, he's dangerous."


"Fancy seeing you here" Minho grinned while taking a seat next to Jisung, pecking him on his cheek. Jisung shrugged his shoulders, obviously not enjoying detention. Before he entered this school he was a top student, but since he knew Minho it all went downhill.

"What's wrong princess?" Minho didn't like seeing his favourite boy upset, it made him upset. Jisung looked at him, hesitating for a moment.

"Seungmin, said I, I shouldn't talk to you anymore" he said quietly. Minho got mad when he heard the name. Seungmin found out about his secret, and he could be a threat. The fact that he'd think Minho would hurt Jisung made him even more upset.

He pulled Jisung closer and kissed his head. "I would never hurt you Jisung." The teacher saw what happened, but didn't care enough to say something. He left the room, locking it.

Changbin and Felix were also in the room. Felix was observing the two, he was starting to feel guilty. Him and Changbin were also a human-vampire couple at first. He stood up and walked over to the two.

"I, uhm, I'm sorry about before" he said while looking at his feet. Jisung smiled brightly and told him it was okay. Felix returned the smile, feeling happy because it was okay.

The four boys were filling the hour with laughter, the bell dismissing them. Changbin and Felix went their way, while Minho didn't want to leave Jisung alone.

"With that dude from yesterday, there's no way I'll leave you alone." He walked home to the boy's appartment, and even let himself in. He was worried that the stray knew where Jisung lived, so he didn't want to leave him alone.
"Hyung, let's watch a film together" Jisung smiled while browsing through his dvd's. He pulled one out and put it in the tv, not letting Minho know what it was.

"Oh, that's Edward Cullen"

"Jisung, you have to be kidding me right?"
Yesterday question was who ur bias is heh and mine is Jeongin but I'm hella ot9

Soo todays question... who owns I am you area?

Untill we meet again

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