Chapter 18

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"Goodnight my squirrel."
Jisung woke up in a heavy sweat. His wrists and ankles were burning. He tried to jump up, but he was stuck to a chair. It was dark in the room, but he had better vision since he was bitten.

"H-hello?" Jisung asked around, not seeing anyone. Suddenly the lights flashed on and a door opened. A tall man walked in with long brown hair, he was holding a silver knife.

"Well hello there, I'm lord Rose" he smirked while walking closer to Jisung. His wrists were bleeding from the firm grip the ropes had, but he was more concerned about the knife.

______yo we goin to Minho__________

Minho woke up. With his eyes still closed he snuggled up to the person next to him, right before he noticed something was off. This person had womanly curves and they had the smell of fresh roses.

"Fuck!" Minho jumped up. He looked beside him to see a girl with beautiful blonde hair. She slowly woke up from Minho's cursing. Once she opened her eyes she looked shocked as well, she had no idea why she was there.

"Who are you" Minho raised an eyebrow, feeling bad for her already. The smell of roses made him realise who she was even before she said it. She seemed like a nice girl, and if he didn't know Jisung he wouldn't mind marrying her.

"I'm Katie" she stuttered, avoiding eyecontact. "Please don't hurt me! I don't know why I'm here, the only thing I remember is sleeping peacefully with my girlfriend."

She suddenly jumped up and ran to the window. Without saying anything she jumped out of it, running away. Minho was dumbfounded at first but then regained his focus. He got out of bed and walked down the stair.

"MOM WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU DONE NOW?" He screamed at her, clenching his fists. She looked confused at him, not knowing what had happened.

"Where is Jisung and why was that Roses girl in my bed?" He growled at her, feeling annoyed. She didn't know why it all happened, but Minho wasn't satisfied with the answer. He argued with her, at least until he realised that Jisung was gone.

"Fuck" he mumbled under his breath. He was only wearing a pair of jogging trousers, revealing his fit body. Without hesitating for a moment he left the house, on his way to the mansion of the Roses family.

He looked around, knowing he wouldn't be let in. He saw an open window and took his chance, he made his way in. The room was filled with toys and a crib. He took a peak and saw an adorable baby, sleeping peacefuly.

Looking at the baby made him think of his future. He had always seen himself having two kids, a boy and a girl. Untill recently, he didn't know with who he wanted to end up, but now he did. He wanted to get married to Jisung, and raise kids together.

A woman stood in the dooropening and looked at Minho with big eyes. She was wearing a maid costume, indicating she worked at the mansion. Minho tried to stop her but she screemed, making sure she was heard.

Minho ran past her, looking for Jisung. The whole house was filled with roses, giving of a strong smell. He was lost looking for Jisung, until he smelt blood. It wasn't just any blood, it belonged to Jisung.

He was looking for stairs, looking for a way to the basement. He couldn't find it anywhere and started to stress out. His breathing got heavier and sweat started to

He saw a painting, it had the landlord and his daughter painted on it. He slowly walked up to it, inspecting every detail. It had dust on it, that was odd seen the fact the maid had just cleaned there.

He slowly pushed against a piece of the frame. As he expected, a door opened. It was dark but he could slightly see the shape of a stair. He took a deep breath, the smell of Jisung's blood had gotten stronger. He looked around him to see if no one was watching, and walked down.

"Jisung, are you there?" He whispered, only to be faced with his boyfriend. He was bound to a chair, full of cuts and bruises. He looked weak but smiled when he saw his boyfriend.

"Hyung you have to go, he will hurt you" Jisung almost cried, he was concerned. Right before Minho could answer him, the man returned. He smirked when he saw Minho, he planned it all out.

"I knew you'd come for him" he chuckled, playing with the knife between his fingers. He put his bloody hand on Jisung's shoulder, pissing Minho off with every second.

"See, you were supposed to marry my Katie, but then you decided to suddenly mark this piece of trash! I can't just let that slip you know, I have my pride." He held the knife against Jisung's neck, not allowing Minho to take any action.

"Don't kill him! I'm prepared to do anything but just please don't! He yelled, his voice full off emotions. He would die for Jisung, but he knew he didn't ask that from him.

"Marry my Katie and you shall both live, refuse and you have to live your life full of guilt" he laughed with big eyes. He didn't give Minho a proper choice. Minho was about to answer when someone came running in.

"Don't kill him!"
Okay heheh I hope dis was good cuz I'm always afraid I'm bad at writing angst

Untill we meet again~

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