Chapter 17

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"Are you ready Jisung?"
Jisung gulped while nodding. The moment had finally come, he would finally be what he craved for years, he could finally feel free.

Minho slowly came closer to him, getting a hold of his cheek. He slowly started to kiss the boy, who immediatly joined in. He asked for permission and Jisung gave it to him, heating up their make out session even more.

He slowly made his way down his neck, leaving behind a trace of kisses and hickeys. He started to slowly suck on a certain place, right before piercing his teeth through his skin.

Jisung felt a painful sting at first, but it turned into an amazing feeling. A wave of energy went through his body while Minho was sucking his blood, releasing his venom. He slowly pulled back and looked at Jisung.

"Did I hurt you, are you okay" Minho was obviously worried about his boyfriend's health. Jisung looked at him with red eyes, shaking his head while smiling. He felt great, but he suddenly felt so hungry.

"Come, I'll give you something at my house." Minho just jumped out of the tree, landing safely on his feet. Jisung followed his movements and was suprised at how easy it went.

They were running to Minho's house. Both of them were going faster than any human could go. Jisung felt full of energy, he already fell in love with being a vampire. They were at Minho's house in a few minutes, even though it usually took half an hour.

"Stay here, I'll get you something" Minho said, right before leaving Jisung alone in his living room. He stood there, akwardly, when Minho's mom came in. She had a welcoming smile when she noticed Jisung, but that slowly faded when she saw his state.

"MINHO YOU LITTLE SHIT COME HERE NOW!" She screamed out of nowhere, making Jisung squeel. Minho came running into the living room, holding a bag of blood for Jisung.

"Yes?" He asked as if nothing was off. She looked annoyed at him and pointed at Jisung, obviously wanting him to explain the situation. Meanwhile Jisung was focussed on the bag of blood Minho was holding, he craved it so much!

His instinct took over and he jumped up to him, snatching the bag out of his hands. He quickly opened it and drank it all, ignoring the others around him. It satisfied his hunger and he regained his control.

"Oh, uhm, sorry" Jisung akwardly chuckled while giving Minho the empty bag. He felt ashamed of his actions, he couldn't even control his hunger properly.

"Minho, what have you done? You know you're supposed to marry the daughter of the Roses family! I have to cancel that now just because you couldn't accept it?" His mom was frustrated with Minho, but didn't blame Jisung one bit.

"You now how the law works, he's mine and I'm his. No marriage can come between us" he shrugged his shouldes while throwing away the empty bag. Jisung felt the tension grow between the two but didn't dare to say anything.

"I'll talk about it with your father." She left the room, leaving the boys alone. It was already late and Jisung was starting to feel tired. He used a lot of energy in a short time, and he wanted to sleep. Minho noticed this and pulled him to his bedroom.

He threw him down on his bed and placed both of his hands next to his head. He pecked the boy's nose and then started to peck the rest of his face, making him giggly. He rolled down and layed next to him, pulling him closer.

"I'm so happy I can be with you forever now Ji" he kissed the boy on his hair. Jisung hugged him tightly, burrying his head in his chest. Listening to his slow heartbeat made him fall asleep.

"Goodnight my squirrel"
Okay two updates on one day wow
Also yes I know it's short but it's just a filler before the drama starts okii

Ehm I hoped this was good cuz like idk oops

Untill we meet again~

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