Chapter 15

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Would that mean he wanted to be a vampire?
It was Monday. Minho and Jisung were both at school. They had classes together, but Minho left. He had been avoiding and ignoring Jisung ever since he saw the drawing of them two.

"Minho hyung, cheer up!" Felix was dancing Cheer Up dramatically while singing it to him. Minho tried to look at him with a neutral expression but he failed, the dancing boy in front of him made him chuckle.

"Why aren't you with Jisung hyung?" He stopped dancing now that he had cheered him up a little. Minho's expression got darker, he didn't want to talk about it.

He felt like he had to have distance between him and Jisung ever since he saw the drawing. A drawing that potrayed how he sucked all the good out of Jisung, how he took away his soul. He didn't want to ignore his boyfriend, he wanted to hug him and shower him in kisses.

"Yo hyung, you alive?" Felix waved his hand in front of Minho's eyes, making him wake up out of his thoughts. He looked at Felix, slowly realising what happened.

"Jisung wants to be, he wants to be a vampire" he stuttered softly, hating the fact he wanted to be one. Felix looked shocked but then looked at him with an evil smirk; he obviously had a plan.

"Well, shall I just go and turn him into one then?" Felix chuckled, knowing he was pissing Minho off. He understood why Jisung wanted to be like his boyfriend, he was like him once.

"Don't you fucking dare even touch him" Minho hissed at him, right before walking away. No one was allowed to touch his boyfriend but him. Even if he would be turned into a vampire, he would do it and no one else!

Minho entered his house, stumbling upon his suprised mother. He was supposed to be in class and even if he did skip, he wouldn't go home. His mom noticed how upset he was and slowly pulled him to the sofa.

"What's wrong sweatheart?"

"Mom, Jisung wants to be a vampire and he want's me to make him one but I don't want to make him a cold blooded murdered like me" he whined in one breath. His mom looked at him and thought for a second, her face took a concerned look.

"Honey, you can't bite him. As much as I don't want you to, you still have to get married to the daughter of the Roses family." Minho looked shocked, this wasn't the answer he expected. He didn't want to marry some random hoe, he wanted to be with his boyfriend.

"I am not going to marry some random girl! Fuck that tradition!" He stood up and walked out, slamming the door behind him. He ran up the streets, not paying any attention to his surroundings. He kept running until he was around Jisung's appartment.

Jisung wasn't home yet, but Minho knew where his key was hidden. He let himself in and took a seat, prepared to wait for Jisung to come home. His phone kept on buzzing, his mom didn't stop calling him.

_____________ few hours later________

Jisung was finally done with school. He felt down because Minho hadn't talked to him the whole day, he didn't even show up! Jisung was feeling guilty, he didn't know what he had done wrong. Drowned in his thoughts he opened the door, only to be faced with his boyfriend.

"Hyung, what are you doing here?" He asked, still feeling suprised. He still felt upset that he had been ignored the whole day, but he was happy to see his boyfriend again.

Minho didn't answer him, he just hugged him tight. Tears were starting to fill his eyes by the thought of having to marry someone else. Jisung was confused at his sudden movements, but quickly hugged him back.

"Hyung, what's wrong?" He pulled his head back and noticed how upset his boyfriend looked. He softly caressed his cheek, not letting his tears make their way down. Minho slowly pulled Jisung to his sofa, still not releasing him out of their hug.

Jisung was shocked when he heard that Minho had to marry a girl, but he was even more upset he thought so low about himself. He thought Minho was confident, but he really hated the fact he was a vampire.

"Hyung, I'm sure it will all work out" he did his best to comfort his boyfriend, even though he felt upset as well. They were sitting there, comforting each other. It was a nice silence, until Jisung's phone rang.

"Who the fuck is it this time" he sighed. He was annoyed that someone ruined their moment. It was Minho's dad who called him, he was confused so he gave his phone to Minho.

"Why are you calling my boyfriend you dipshit?" Minho was clearly annoyed with his dad and wasn't too shy about it. Jisung didn't hear what his dad was saying but he knew they were fighting. They were fighting about the fact Minho had to marry a girl.

"Well we both know that if I mark him as mine you can't do anything" he screamed while hanging up the phone. He pulled Jisung closer, laying his head in his neck. He was so mad at his parents, he used his boyfriends grip as comfort.

"Jisung, do you want to be a vampire?"
I hope ur still enjoying it so far heh
Please check out my account to see my next story idea jsksj

Untill we meet again~

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