Chapter 3

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He gasped at the sudden feeling from the man, not knowing what to do.
Jisung suddenly felt the weight of the man leave his side. He saw how Minho had pushed the man against the door and kicked him in his stomach.

"Do not hurt him, father" he hissed, loud enough for Jisung to hear it. He was starting to feel really uncomfortable in this house, so far he had been slammed against a wall by Minho, and Minho's dad was being all weird with his neck.

Minho's dad groaned and left the room, not wanting to let go of such a precious meal. Meanwhile Minho's mom was looking at how protective Minho was over Jisung, she smirked at the idea of them being together.

Jisung looked at the time on his phone, it was almost midnight. He knew he had to go home and sleep, but he was too akward to say it. He thanked Minho's mother for the tea and went back to cleaning the halls.

He was starting to feel really tired after a while, he wasn't the kind of person to stay up late. He still didn't dare to ask if he could go home, so he kept on doing his job.

"Jisung, if you're tired you can go" Minho stated, suddenly appearing in front of him. Jisung was glad he could go home and sleep. He nodded with a soft smile at Minho as a response.

Once he was about to walk out of the house, Minho's mom ran to him. She quickly closed the door, making Jisung and Minho confused.

"It's very dangerous here lately, why don't you stay over?" She smiled softly at Jisung, speaking in a nice, yet stern tone.

He shook his head and smiled brightly, not wanting to bother them. After Minho's mother, who was called Minju, asked him multiple times; she gave up. She was worried about the boy's safety.

While Jisung was walking home he couldn't stop but think of Minho. The boy seemed odd, but he didn't know why. He had saved him a few times already, but he didn't know the boy at all.

Jisung was drowned in his thoughts when he heard footsteps behind him. He quickened his pace, trying to get rid of his follower. He got scared, what if it was the murderer?

Jisung looked behind him, trying to catch a glimpse of his follower. While he turned his head, he wasn't paying attention to his surroundings. He bumped against the pavement, and fell.

The follower took his chance and ran up to him. Jisung wanted to get away but was frozen. He looked at the man with big eyes, wishing his death wouldn't be painfull.

"You should really be more carefull, you know?"

Jisung started to calm down when he recognised the voice, it was him once again. He quickly stood up and looked at his feet, feeling ashamed of what just happened.

"Why, why are you here hyung?"

"My mom told me to make sure you made it home safely, so you wouldn't be murdered and stuff, you know" Minho akwardly answered while scratching the back off his head.

Jisung nodded slowly and smiled thankfully, not knowing what to say. There was an uncomfortable silence between the two, when suddenly a loud bang came from behind them.

Jisung's eyes quickly widened, and Minho ran up to him. He got a hold of Jisung's hand while standing in front of him, protecting the mortal boy from what was going to come.

A dark figure appeared, walking up to the boys. His evil smirk faded away when he noticed that Minho was protecting Jisung. Minho looked at him with a mad glance, making sure the man understood it.

"I will get him" the man hissed with a low voice, not loud enough for Jisung to hear it, but loud enough for Minho. The dark figure dissapeared again, leaving Minho full of rage.

"I, uhm, I'm heading home now hyung, thanks for worrying though" Jisung said while trying to escape Minho's grip. Minho was stronger than him, and didn't let him go.

"Jisung I'm going to walk you home, I don't trust that dude. I don't want him to hurt you."

Jisung just looked at him with disbelief, he quickly nodded and pulled Minho in the right direction. He felt safe knowing Minho would protect him, knowing someone cared about him.

"We're here hyung, thank your taking me home" Jisung smiled while facing the elder. Minho smirked at him for a second, and kissed his forehead. Jisung's cheeks started to burn up as he looked at his feet.

When Jisung looked up again Minho was gone, totally out of sight. He entered his appartment and sighed loudly. What was this boy doing to him?

Minho was standing face to face with the dark figure from before. They've hated each other for years. They used to be friends, but he turned into a stray. Minho hates strays, they just killed whenever they felt like it.

"If you lay one finger on him, your head will fly" Minho growled at the man, glancing in his direction with rage. He didn't know why he cared so much about Jisung, but he liked how the boy acted. He was shy, and that made him adorable.

"Minho, Minho, you should know that if I want something, or someone in this case, I'll get it. You can do your best to protect him, but you won't win it from me."

Minho wanted to kill him, how dare he challenge him like that! He wasn't just any vampire, no, Minho had a high rank within their world. Before he could do anything, the man left.

Minho clenched his fists for a second, and headed home. He shouldn't care that much about Jisung anyway.
Okay so idk if you're familiar with me, but my schedule isn't rlly neat. I just post whenever I'm done with something heh
Anyway I hope you enjoy it so far :))

Untill we meet again

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