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!all tweets and account names below are fabricated

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!all tweets and account names below are fabricated

Jeongguk woke up with the sunlight shining in his face.

He rolled over, wanting to feel Tae's warmth to snuggle himself back to sleep again, to only find an empty space beside him.

He shot up, eyes wide open now, hastily looking around to check the room for Taehyung but having him nowhere in sight but finding a cute bear coffee mug on the bedsite table with a little light blue sticky note attached to it.

"mornin doll,
i have a packed schedule today but i
didnt wanna wake you up
i'll be back at around 8
have a nice day and enjoy the hot cocoa!

Smiling widely at the handwritten note, Jeongguk took a big sip of the slightly too sweet hot cocoa, flipping the note over seeing a little sentence written on the back as well.

"p.s ;
loved last night"

Almost choking on the sip he just took he put the cup down, hitting himself on the chest repeatedly until his coughing stopped, leaving him with a peach colored blush.

Gguk reached over to his phone, detaching it from the charger and unlocking it, wanting to see if either Jimin or his mother texted him only to find his notifications spammed with twitter.

He was slightly confused, yes he had been getting a lot of twitter messages from other purples after skyping with Taehyung but never that much that it literally got his phone to lag.

Gguk moved his thumb to click on one of them, entering his passcode so it could open but he almost let his phone fall out his hand upon seeing the tweet.

Gguk moved his thumb to click on one of them, entering his passcode so it could open but he almost let his phone fall out his hand upon seeing the tweet

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Hesitantly he clicked on the link wanting to see if this was all just one huge prank that the world decided to pull on him.

His eyes widened, tears treatening to roll down as he saw the headline again, a photo attached of Taehyung pulling him behind himself, the hickeys on both their necks painfully prominent.

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