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"Jeongguk?" He heard that familiar voice with the deep yet so calming tone to it, knowing instantly that it belonged to Taehyung

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"Jeongguk?" He heard that familiar voice with the deep yet so calming tone to it, knowing instantly that it belonged to Taehyung.

"H-Hyeree- n-not her- here- i- " Jeongguk sobbed into his phone, swallowing his own words, not even being able to form a coherent sentence.

"Jeonggukie, i need you to calm down a bit, yeah? Close your eyes and take a deep breath for me." He heard the worry dripping from Tae's voice and did as he was told, closing his eyes and trying to get a steady breathing pattern again.

"Breathe in.. and out again." Tae guided him until he was finally calmed down a bit and felt like he could tell Tae what was going on.

"I- I wanted to get Hyeree f-from the hospital- b-but o-our father t-took h-her and i d-don't know wha-what to do, T-Tae." Eventhough he calmed his breathing, the sob in his voice was still painfully obvious.

"Wait there, okay? I'm on my way." And before Jeongguk could say something, he heard that continuous beeping noise as an indication that Tae already hung up.

He slowly put his phone back in his pocket before sitting down on the hard ground infront of the hospital.

What if he was never getting Hyeree back? And how is he going to tell his mother what happened? He can't even imagine how dissapointed his mom would be in him, how sad and mad she would be.

He felt the stares of people passing by the front doors, empathetic stares on the first glance, but no one was trying to help him or ask what's wrong. everyone just -- pretended to care, no one really did.

All he wanted was for someone to help him right now since this must have been the darkest moment of his life -- his sister getting stolen by their own abusive father.

Not even his dad beating him up verbally and physically reached the amount of emotional pain he was in at this very moment, on the floor, sobbing.

Gguk pulled his legs flush to his torso, embracing them with his arms and resting his head on top, quietly wheeping and waiting.

To him it felt like hours had already passed when he heard that so familiar deep voice, shouting out his name.

"Jeonggukie!" Gguk rose his head to look for where the voice was coming from, only to spot a bright red haired male with a black face mask and round sunglasses shielding his face, running towards him.

"T-Tae-" He let out as almost a whisper as he was still sobbing before weakly getting up and immediately getting embraced tightly by the older male.

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