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warning: this chapter is rated 16+

Jeongguk shakily let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding as the sight of the familiar door came in sight. He bit his lip, looking down, trying to calm down his quick breathing once they stopped in front of it.

"You okay, baby?" He heard Taehyung's voice ask gently from beside him, and that brought him back to reality.

He looked up slightly, his doe eyes meeting Tae's wide, concerned ones before he nodded silently.

He was extremely nervous, he didn't know how he'd break the news down to his mom, he didn't know what would happen afterward, even if his mom reported Hyeree missing, are the police gonna find her?

Billions of thoughts ran through his mind as he continued staring into Taehyung's gentle eyes, and he felt warm hands cup his slightly chubby cheeks gently. "Jeonggukkie, talk to me."

At that, Jeongguk gulped, realizing that he was simply staring at Tae with a dazed look in his eyes instead of giving the older one a proper answer. "S-Sorry, i just have a lot on my mind." he sighed, leaning into Tae's gentle touch, closing his eyes in comfort.

"I'm nervous."

"and why's that, sugar?"

Jeongguk blushed, fluttering his eyes open, seeing Tae's orbs look into his' once again. "i don't know how to do this, h-how do i tell her that dad took hyeree? how can i break it down to her without making it sound as bad as it is?" Jeongguk mumbled, looking down once again, clenching his fists tightly by his sides.

He was also afraid of his mother's reaction. Jeongguk's sure that she's gonna be angry, sad, and hurt- and he wasn't ready to witness that. he wasn't ready to see his precious mother crying as he helplessly stared at her.

"you can't. you just have to tell her the detailed truth as gently as you possibly can, ggukie." Taehyung responded, stroking Jeongguk's soft cheeks softly before continuing, "plus, i'm with you baby, we'll get through this together." he whispered, leaning closer to Jeongguk, their noses brushing against each others'.

Jeongguk must admit, that did make him feel better, having Tae by his side was extremely comforting. He slowly closed the distance between him and tae, initiating a kiss for the first time.

He felt Tae kiss back gently, his hands still stroking his cheeks, causing warmth to spread throughout Jeongguk's body pleasantly.

it was a sweet, short kiss that meant a lot to both boys, whose cheeks were now dusted a light pink in the purest way possible.
Taehyung then let go of Gguk's cheeks, grabbing a hold of both of Jeongguk's slim hands and intertwining them with his own. "you got this, baby." He whispered, bringing Jeongguk's hands to his lips, kissing the knuckles gently.

"we got this." Jeongguk corrected, and then he smiled a toothy grin, wrinkles appearing beside his eyes, causing him to look like an adorable bunny.

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