Chapter 1

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The final bell for school rang as all the students got up to leave. Nobody wanted to stay in school any longer then they had to and rushed to get out as quick as possible.

Except maybe me, Peter Parker. 

I didn't want to walk down the crowded halls, it was way too loud for me. So I waited at the back of the class. 

Unfortunately, my childhood bully, Flash Thompson, decided to wait too. Not to study or because of the crowded hall. He just did it so he could torment me. I sigh knowing what was going to happen.

"Heya Penis! What are you waiting for? For your mommy to pick you up? WAIT! You have none!" Flash says laughing but comes out as screaming for my enhanced hearing.

"Just leave alone Flash" I plead as Flash smiles.

"Aww did the poor baby say something? Well, it's too bad no one will ever hear him. I mean who would want to listen to that worthless trash? I mean there's no one left to is there?" he taunts.

"Flash please," I said, oh for what I would do right now to leave this room.

"Hah, why would I-" Flash starts before getting interrupted by MJ.

"Flash I would diss you but it's illegal to burn trash."

I hear Ned screaming "OOOOOH BURNED" from the background.

Flash's face turns red before he turns and leaves muttering about getting revenge.

"So what's up losers?" MJ asks as we make our way out of school

"Me and Peter are going to build a lego ship later!" Ned boasts excitedly.

"Haha yeah, hopefully, Helen will let me."

"But they let you go on patrol" Ned whines.

"No, they don't, I sneak out"

"Spiderman saves people from rule-breakers but breaks the rules to do so?" MJ states more than asks.

"Haha very funny, anyway ima go on patrol then," I say as we turn to go to our homes.

"Bye Peter!!!! BYE MJ!!!"

"Bye Losers"

"Bye guys," I say smiling.

The smile is still on my lips as I walk into an uninhabited alley to change into my Spiderman costume. I quickly web my backpack to the ground to prevent it from being stolen...again.

I swung around town looking for some crime to be stopped. After a while of swinging around I and helping a couple of old ladies cross the streets, I heard a gunshot. 

I quickly swung to the place where the sound originated from. The sound led me to an empty alleyway. There was nothing in the alleyway but my spidey senses were blaring so I continued on, cautious. 

"That's weird," I said to no one in particular. 

I started looking around for something that would give a clue to what happened when my spidey senses told me to put my hand up and catch something. 

I looked to my side to see an arrow in my hand, only inches away from my skull. I looked up and saw Hawkeye with a confused face getting another arrow from his quiver.

"WHAT THE FUCK DUDE" I yelled, not appreciating getting shot at.

I looked behind me and noticed Captain America and Ironman were also there.

"laNgUaGE!" of course that was the first thing Captain America said to me, of course.

"Umm... why are all of you here? And attacking me? As far as I know, I haven't done something wrong. ...... well wrong enough for the Avengers to come after me." I said.

"Sorry about that idiot, I told him to talk first he said you would've said no," Tony freaking Stark said TO ME! If I wasn't in a fight to possible death I would've died from fanboying. "But we need you to come with us to Avengers tower if you don't comply we will have to use force"

"A) No and B) What did I do wrong?!? I swear whatever it is it wasn't me."

"You didn't do anything wrong but we do need to bring you back to the tower. After all, nobody knows anything about you, so yeah" he says and shrugs

"Yes and I plan to keep it that way," I say sharply

I duck as Captain America throws his shield. I sense more arrows coming at me and jump to the left dodging each. I run up the wall as Ironman tires to catch me.

"Come catch me," I say as I run away from his grip.

I was so busy dodging him that I didn't see the winter soldier sneak up behind me. He grabs me as I struggle to get out of his grip.

"Hey it's no use struggling, you're in the grip of a super soldier," Hawkeye says appearing from a roof somewhere.

Despite what Hawkeye says I keep struggling. I end up kicking him in the leg so hard he lets go. All of them have an astonished look on their face. I look up to see a black sky. Was it that late already?

"Well I'd love to stay and play longer but I gotta go," I say as web sling outta there.

I kept swinging for approximately 5 minutes before my web was shot by another arrow. I groaned as I fell onto the roof of a building.

"I thought stalking someone was illegal"

"We still you to come-" Mr.Stark started before I left.

By left I mean jumped off the roof and waited for them to leave.

After I changed out of my suit back into my regular suit I tried to stand up but noticed I couldn't stand. Not without my foot hurting. I was pretty sure I broke my ankle. With my super healing, it would heal in no time but I ran out of web fluid during the fight. So I had to walk back with it like that. Unfortunately, I still had half an hour to walk before I made it back. Every step felt like someone was stabbing me. But I kept walking. 

I closed my eyes during the walk to soothe the pain. When I opened my eyes I stood in front of a building. It was old and had ivy growing all over it. The bricks were a worn out red colour. It looked homely, it was anything but homely. The building had a new sign that read 'Orphanage'. I sighed and slowly opened the door to the building. Home sweet home.


Okay so this is my first fanfic and I hope it isn't as bad as I thought it was. Hopefully, you all didn't have to cringe too bad reading this.

Don't Die!!!!!- Dabbing apple (idk why either just roll with it)

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